I couldn’t agree more. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Noun. Another word for vicious cycle. If you know synonyms for Vicious circle, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. Top synonym for vicious circle (another word for vicious circle) is vicious cycle. The group has a varying line-up, sometimes consisting of five-to-six members and sometimes having a staggeringly huge membership Synonyms for Vicious circle (disambiguation) in Free Thesaurus. n. 1. concatenation of events. TURKEY-2009/09/23 ANDERSON COURT REPORTING 706 Duke Street, Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314 vicious circle definition: 1. a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then…. The group has a varying line-up, sometimes consisting of five-to-six members and sometimes having a staggeringly huge membership Disorganized and misleading reports from muddle-headed reporters create a vicious circle which aggravates the situation. Publicité dictionnaire analogique feedback [Hyper.] An antonym for vicious circle is virtuous circle. vicious circle. Antonyms for vicious circle. Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: vicious circle n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Synonyms for 'vicious circle': problem, difficulty, trouble, issue, nuisance, hardship, hassle, baggage, burden, trials and tribulations vicious: vicious circle: vicious cycle: viciously: viciousness: vicissitude: vicissitudes: vicissitudinary: 1 ... Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! Cite this Source. vicious circle (vicious circles plural ), vicious cycle A vicious circle is a problem or difficult situation that has the effect of creating new problems which then cause the original problem or … What are synonyms for Virtuous circle and vicious circle? This is the British English definition of vicious circle.View American English definition of vicious circle. Definition and synonyms of vicious circle from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Top Synonyme für vicious cycle (andere Wörter für vicious cycle) sind vicious circle, downward spiral und cycle. Look it up now! Synonyms for Virtuous circle and vicious circle in Free Thesaurus. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word vicious circle will help you to finish your crossword today. Find more ways to say vicious circle, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Toutes nos excuses pour ce contretemps, bien indépendant de notre volonté. circularity. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for vicious circles. It's a vicious circle. Suggest synonym. Synonyms for vicious circles in Free Thesaurus. Share this Page . domino effect. Synonyms for vicious circle include catch-22, circularity, impasse, stalemate, causal nexus, chain reaction, circular argument, domino effect, endless loop and eternal return. Nous sommes à votre disposition pour toute information supplémentaire. Another word for vicious circle. Whatever the cause, the government could pay down some of its debt by printing more money (called monetizing the debt). Vicious circle definition: A vicious circle is a problem or difficult situation that has the effect of creating new... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Catch-22. Share this image. : This vicious circle absolutely must end. : Nous devons mettre un terme à ce cercle vicieux, nous en convenons tous. What are synonyms for vicious circles? 1 synonym for vicious circle: vicious cycle. : To break this vicious circle, leaders need to model a different way of treating others. Definition and synonyms of vicious circle from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. (problem: cycle of cause and effect) cercle vicieux nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". Learn more. What are another words for Vicious circle? Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House … Antonyms for Virtuous circle and vicious circle. The Vicious Circle is a criminal organization of mutants, cyborgs, monsters, assassins, and magicians that serves as the primary opponents for the superheroes in Erik Larsen's comic-book titles, primarily the Dragon.. Overview. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com! n. 1. : This vicious circle we all agree must be broken. impasse. synonymes - vicious cycle signaler un problème. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Melhor sinônimo para vicious circle (outra palavra para vicious circle) são vicious cycle, downward spiral e cycle. 1 synonym for vicious cycle: vicious circle. What does a vicious circle expression mean? vicious cycle; Noun . What made you want to look up vicious circles? Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for VICIOUS CIRCLE. Find another word for vicious. catenae. n-sing (Antonym: vicious circle) Exercise creates its own virtuous circle. vicious circle - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. Synonyms for vicious circle include catch-22, circularity, impasse, stalemate, causal nexus, chain reaction, circular argument, domino effect, endless loop and eternal return. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. vicious circle definition in English dictionary, vicious circle meaning, synonyms, see also 'vicious cycle',viciously',vicarious',vivacious'. stalemate. Ein anderer Weg zu sagen Vicious Circle? 48.9%. Synonym of Virtuous circle and vicious circle: English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia Virtuous circle and vicious circle The terms virtuous circle and vicious circle (also referred to as virtuous cycle and vicious cycle) refer to complex chains of events which reinforce themselves through a feedback loop. The positive complement of a vicious circle is a virtuous circle The terms virtuous circle and vicious circle (also referred to as virtuous cycle and vicious cycle) refer to complex chains of events which reinforce themselves through a feedback loop. Vicious: extreme in degree, power, or effect. Les précommandes vinyle, t-shirt, bundle vinyle + t-shirt, passées sur le site de Vicious Circle Records sont bien enregistrées et seront expédiées la première semaine de décembre. Translations in context of "vicious circle" in English-French from Reverso Context: break the vicious circle, vicious circle of poverty This expression comes from the philosophical discipline of logic, where it means proving one statement by another that itself rests on the first for … View the pronunciation for vicious circle. - synonyms: dilemma, vicious cycle, downward spiral, vortex, no-win situation, catch-22, chicken-and-egg situation" – Mazura Sep 2 '16 at 5:11 belts, circles, cycles. vicious cycle (n.) ↕ Wikipedia - voir aussi. Vicious circle synonyms and Vicious circle antonyms. thesaurus.com. 83 synonymes pour Vicious Cycle (autres mots et expressions pour Vicious Cycle). What are synonyms for Vicious circle (disambiguation)? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Find in vicious circle synonyms list of more than 34 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. This vicious circle of psychological violence must stop. Synonyms for vicious circle in Free Thesaurus. Define vicious cycle. Find more ways to say vicious cycle, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. synonym.tech . 1 synonym for vicious cycle: vicious circle. vicious circle - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. Top synonym for vicious circle (another word for vicious circle) is vicious cycle. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary vicious circle (plural vicious circles) A situation in which the solution to one problem creates a chain of problems, each making it more difficult to solve the original one. “Vicious circles.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/vicious%20circles. Vicious Cycle (album) Publicité Toutes les traductions de vicious cycle. virtuous circle If you describe a situation as a virtuous circle, you mean that once one good thing starts happening, other good things happen, which cause the first thing to continue happening. Define vicious circle. vicious circle definition: 1. a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then…. vicious cycle (n.) vicious circle. vicious circle synonyms, vicious circle pronunciation, vicious circle translation, English dictionary definition of vicious circle. you to read this report, "Turkey in Europe: Breaking the Vicious Circle." Top vicious circle synonyms (related to situation) are stalemate, impasse and back to the wall. Hyperinflation is a spiral of inflation which causes even higher inflation. 1.2.1 Synonyms; 1.2.2 Antonyms; 1.2.3 Translations; 1.2.4 See also; 1.3 Further reading; English Alternative forms . Synonyms for 'vicious circle': problem, difficulty, trouble, issue, nuisance, hardship, hassle, baggage, burden, trials and tribulations Full list of synonyms for Vicious circle is here. Definitions of Vicious circle. Definition of a vicious circle in the Idioms Dictionary. What does a vicious circle … Change your default dictionary to American English. chain reaction. : He hopes that vicious circle can now be broken by allowing shoppers to trade too. Vicious circle - definition of vicious circle by The Free Dictionary. A vicious circle is a problem or difficult situation that has the effect of creating new problems which then cause the original problem or situation to occur again. Synonyms for 'vicious circle': problem, difficulty, trouble, issue, nuisance, hardship, hassle, baggage, burden, trials and tribulations Antonyms for Virtuous circle and vicious circle. A vicious circle is a problem or difficult situation that has the effect of creating new problems that then cause the original problem or situation to occur again. Detailed Synonyms for vicious circle in English. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for vicious circles. Vicious circle originally referred to a circular argument, that is, an argument that assumes the conclusion as one of its premises. a vicious circle phrase. vicious-circle | definition: one trouble leads to another that aggravates the first | synonyms: regeneration, vicious cycle, positive feedback Synonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Vicious cycle - definition of vicious cycle by The Free Dictionary . All Free. very. The initial exogenous event might be a sudden large increase in international interest rates or a massive increase in government debt due to excessive spendings. vicious circle (Google) : "a sequence of reciprocal cause and effect in which two or more elements intensify and aggravate each other, leading inexorably to a worsening of the situation. And there was autocracy again, and again the, The condition isn't much better right now; it's a, Turn as he would, he was merely running round and round in a ", We say now post hoc, ergo propter hoc; now propter hoc, ergo post hoc; shall we escape from this, The discussion, moreover, is in danger not only of moving in one, THE FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE: SCIENCE AND HYPOTHESIS, THE VALUE OF SCIENCE, SCIENCE AND METHOD, ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 11TH EDITION, VOLUME 14, SLICE 4. vicinity: [noun] a surrounding area or district : neighborhood. External Links . Learn more. Vicious circle definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. vicious circle. 238.5%. regenerate [Dérivé] positive feedback, positive feed-back, regeneration [Hyper.] Vicious cycle definition: a situation in which an attempt to resolve one problem creates new problems that lead... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Join our early testers! The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know these earlier meanings of words? put off. Antonyms for Vicious circle (disambiguation). This is the British English definition of vicious circle.View American English definition of vicious circle.. Change your default dictionary to American English. causal nexus. Synonyms for 'vicious circle': problem, difficulty, trouble, issue, nuisance, hardship, hassle, baggage, burden, trials and tribulations Turn as he would, he was merely running round and round in a : Il faut absolument éviter la répétition de ce cercle vicieux. 1 synonym for vicious circle: vicious cycle. Slippery Words Quiz—Changing with the Times. Words nearby vicious circle. What are synonyms for vicious circle? chain of circumstances. What are synonyms for Virtuous circle and vicious circle? We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. … the vicious circle – an argument that assumes that which is to be proved 1. the vicious circle – an argument that assumes that which is to be proved 1. vicious circle [the ~] noun. Synonyms for Virtuous circle and vicious circle in Free Thesaurus. a repeating situation or condition in which one problem causes another problem that makes the first problem worse, Post more words for vicious circles to Facebook, Share more words for vicious circles on Twitter, The Difference Between 'Hoard' and 'Horde'. That sense was first documented around the end of the 18th century. What does a vicious circle expression mean? a vicious circle phrase. Peace Through Law: John Seiberling's Vision of World Order, Part II Miriam R. Jackson, Kent, OH. vicious circle A series of events in which the solution of one difficulty creates another or worsens the original problem. vicious cycle Synonyme. vicious cycle synonyms, vicious cycle pronunciation, vicious cycle translation, English dictionary definition of vicious cycle. Find more similar words at … The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. Vicious cycle, chain reaction, chain of circumstances. Define vicious circle. All Free. Vicious circle. Thesaurus Trending Words. noun endless loop. vichy water, vicinage, vicinal, vicinity, vicious, vicious circle, vicissitude, Vick, Vickers, Vickers number, Vicksburg. 1 synonym for vicious circle: vicious cycle. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for in vicious circle in English. 1 A virtuous circle has favorable results, while a vicious circle has detrimental results. : Either the peacemakers break the vicious circle, or the circle will become more vicious. catch-22. Vicious circle Thesaurus. Find more similar words at … A situation in which the solution to one problem creates a chain of problems, each making it more difficult to solve the original one. : Il faut mettre un terme à ce cercle vicieux de la violence psychologique. Need synonyms for vicious cycle? Synonyms for vicious cycle include vicious circle, catch-22, circularity, impasse, stalemate, causal nexus, chain reaction, circular argument, domino effect and endless loop. Find more similar words at … Delivered to your inbox! Vicious Circle synonyms. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! The Vicious Circle is a criminal organization of mutants, cyborgs, monsters, assassins, and magicians that serves as the primary opponents for the superheroes in Erik Larsen's comic-book titles, primarily the Dragon.. Overview. Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! (or catenas), catenations, chains, concatenations, Learn a new word every day. Synonyms for in vicious circle include vain, futile, useless, pointless, unsuccessful, worthless, abortive, fruitless, unavailing and unproductive. 432 Synonyme für Vicious Circle (andere Wörter und Sätze für Vicious Circle). A virtuous circle has favorable results, while a vicious circle has detrimental results. More 60 Vicious circle synonyms. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Accessed 23 Jan. 2021. vicious circle: vicious circle [the ~] noun. vicious circle synonyms, vicious circle pronunciation, vicious circle translation, English dictionary definition of vicious circle. circularity. Other usefull sources with synonyms of this word: wiktionary.org. Definition of a vicious circle in the Idioms Dictionary. 77 synonyms of vicious from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 214 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Une autre façon de dire Vicious Cycle? Antonyms for vicious circles. It . ‘So it rolls on right to the top, this vicious circle of corruption.’ ‘It is exactly this vicious circle of mismatched perception and spiralling threat that has led to the current impasse.’ ‘Last summer, in order to break this vicious circle, I resorted to spraying some of my paths with Roundup.’ Through Law: John Seiberling 's vicious circle synonym of World Order, Part Miriam... Problem that then… circle - definition of vicious from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education 432 für., Part II Miriam R. Jackson, Kent, vicious circle synonym to person,,! English Alternative forms money ( called monetizing the debt ) 77 synonyms of vicious circle.View English! 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vicious circle synonym
vicious circle synonym 2021