17.5" W x 14.75" D x 17.5" H. Stainless steel construction. Une astreinte garantie 24h/24 et 7j/7. Regular cleaning and maintenance is recommended to keep the Egro One Touch Coffee Machine in optimal brewing condition. Quick Mill Monza Deluxe. First of all, we thank you for choosing Egro. 23 were here. EGRO One with Quick Milk Fridge ONE Quick Milk is commercial-grade super-automatic espresso machine that features the most durable brewing technology available in its class of equipment. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In fact, Egro now has the longest service cycle in the industry, up to 4 times longer than many competing brands. The Egro Next produces the best Espresso and Bean to C Sur l'année 2014 elle réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 2 390 900,00 €. Milk Line Rinsing est une option du système lait qui utilise de l’eau froide et de l’air pour le rinçage. It also employs DURA-BREW technology, a patented sealing method that significantly reduces maintenance visits. The Egro ONE Pure Coffee is a high volume fully automatic espresso machine with a touchscreen user interface. Enquire today and get one in your workplace. View online or download Egro ONE User Manual, Manual This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Notre expérience et notre compétence vous soutiennent sans problème dans votre ambition pour donner une forme à lopération courante et au coût optimisé. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Egro NEXT. Click on the options below to read more about the F4 office coffee machine. The cleaning cycle should be run once a day or after 300 drinks. This makes the brew group the most durable in its class, reduces maintenances needs, and lowers the cost of ownership. When selected Right side hot water outlet, the by-pass single cup is an optional. The cleaning cycle should be run once a day or after 300 drinks. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Egro One uses a software controlled system that … Eight pre-programmed selections, delivering a full range of espresso-based fresh milk coffees as well as hot chocolate; Choice of milk fridges, including 4L and 6L capacities; Insulated boilers and low energy standby … Rancilio has built in an automated cleaning program to help you keep up with the machine’s cleaning needs. Vous pouvez nous joindre via notre service hotline 24hx7j par semaine - 365 jours par an (la nuit via Combox). We also want to help keep everything in perfect working order, saving you money, time and removing the stress of malfunction. Egro one Spare parts for Coffee machines EGRO to maintain or troubleshoot its model Egro one. On-screen instructions will walk you through the entire cleaning cycle. Discover all its features and more fully automatic and innovative coffee machines. If you have an enquiry about our services or would like to get a rental quote, contact us and our team will get right back to you! The coffee system you are about to use is the outcome of extensive research and development. As a company we … ENQUIRE WITH US TODAY contact@theallegrogroup.com.au. But they’re often also rushed. We are confident that the product you have purchased will meet all your expectations. Group Height Adjustable Brew Group Height; Dosing Operation Automatic 1-Step or 2-Step; Steam Wand iSteam or iSteam Plus; Receptacle NEMA … technician or trained Egro representative with due regard to all local De Egro ONE mag niet … This … Learn More. The Egro One utilizes a ultra-slim brewing unit; the most compact in its class. This manual outlines the correct use and maintenance and … MORE INFO. VAT 09784580152, Corporate Responsibility Privacy & Legal Notice. One Quick Milk is a product of the Egro brand. Support All products Next Touch Coffee Next One Two Zero+ Espresso and more Pure Coffee Quick Milk Top Milk XP One … The Egro ONE is delivered according to the information on the type label, but it offers different electrical connections. Thanks to Connect, you can adjust the settings for coffee delivery, analyse consumption statistics and read any messages related to technical assistance and maintenance. Un interlocuteur dédié et un N° unique 04 37 02 17 75. Egro ONE Pdf User Manuals. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Wide range of parts and products of stock in stock and available in 24H. Rancilio Group will display three different models of Egro products – Egro Next, Egro Zero+, Egro One … EGEO développe avec chacun de ses clients un partenariat de qualité et des solutions de maintenance adaptées à tous les secteurs. Whether you choose the ‘One’ or ‘Zero’ model, both Ergo coffee machines deliver a guaranteed performance when serving top-quality, espresso-based products. These cookies do not store any personal information. All rights reserved. EGRO Zero+ Pure Coffee w/ Quick-Milk Fridge $ 12,800.00 $ 11,520.00. Portrait de la Egro Suisse AG + Classe 20. ZERO+ Quick Milk combines ergonomics and ease of use to create professional-quality espresso-based drinks with fresh milk. Swiss Coffee Technology Egro Coffee Systems AG CH-5443 Niederrohrdorf 16.07.2010 Spare Parts Swiss Egro ONE Output capacity of 20 espresso shots/hour "No burn" steam wand. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Reversing Climate Change with Sustainable Agroforesty Catalogue Classe 20 . Rancilio has built in an automated cleaning program to help you keep up with the machine’s cleaning needs. F4 Egro Zero. Des solutions pour tous vos besoins : maintenance … 1 Introduction - Einleitung - Introduction, 2 Technical Data - Technische Daten - Caractéristiques Techniques, Drilling Plan - Bohrplan - Plan De Perçage, 3 Installation - Installation - Installation, Electrical Connections - Elektrischer Anschluss - Raccordement Électrique, Change Power Settings - Spannungsversorgung Einstellen - Réglage De L'alimentation, Stop Using the Machine - Maschine Ausser Betrieb Setzen - Cesser D'utiliser La Machine, Service Booklet - Serviceheft - Cahier De Service, Open Machine - Maschine Öffnen - Ouvrir La Machine, Preventive Maintenance - Vorbeugende Wartung - Entretien, Service Interval - Wartungsintervall - Intervalle D'entretien, Maintenance Table - Wartungsarbeiten - Table À L'entretien, Service Kits - Servicekits - Kit De Maintenance, Limit Grinder Adjustment - Mahlgrad Begrenzen - Limiter Le Degré De Mouture, Block Grinder Adjustment - Mühlenverstellung Blockieren - Bloquer Le Réglage De Moulins, Change Grinder Burrs - Mahlscheiben Tauschen - Remplacement Des Meules, Brewing Unit - Brüheinheit - Bloc D'infusion, Remove the Brewing Unit - Brüheinheit Demontieren - Démonter Le Bloc D'infusion, Remove the Spindle Motor - Spindelmotor Demontieren - Démonter Le Moteur De Broche, Brewing Units - Brühgruppen - Groupe D'infusion, Calibrating the Brewing Unit - Brüheinheit Kalibrieren - Calibrer Le Bloc D'infusion, New Milk System - Neues Milchsystem - Nouveau Systéme De Lait, Default Values - Defaultwerte - Valeurs Par Defaut, Milk Temperature - Milchtemperatur - Temperature Du Lait, Foam Structure - Schaumstruktur - Texture Du Mousse, Correction Time - Korrekturzeit - Temps Corrective, Change to Pressure Sensor - Wechsel Auf Drucksensor, Milk Level Calibration - Kalibrierung Milchniveau - Calibration De Niveau De Lait, Configurations - Ausführungen - Configuration, Old Milk System - Bisheriges Milchsystem - Vieux Systéme De Lait, Adjusting Milk Temperature - Milchtemperatur Einstellen - Réglez La Température Du Lait, Adjusting Foam Quality - Schaumqualität Einstellen - Réglez La Qualité De Mousse, Configuration - Konfiguration - Configuration, Under Counter Installation - Unterthekeninstallation - Installation Sous Le Comptoir, Fridge KS 9 - Kühlschrank KS 9 - Réfrigérateur KS9, Temperature Adjustment - Temperatureinstellung - Reglage Du Temperature, Remove Milk Pumps - Milchpumpen Ausbauen - Démonter Les Pompes Du Lait, Fridge KS7 - Kühlschrank KS7 - Réfrigérateur KS7, Powder Module - Pulvermodul - Module Poudre, Powder Hopper - Pulverbehälter - Conteneur De Poudre, Use of USB - Arbeiten Mit USB - Travailler Avec USB, Software Update - Softwareupdate - Mise À Jour Logiciel, Product Icons - Produkt-Icons - Icones Produit, Product Name Customization - Produktname Anpassen, Copy Customized Machine - Kunden-Maschine Kopieren, Delete Pictures & Video - Bilder & Video Löschen - Supprimer Les Images Et Video, How to Replace SD Card - Austausch Der SD Card, Clean the Touchpad - Bildschirm Reinigen - Nettoyer L'ecran, Change Language - Sprache Wechseln - Changer Langue, Settings (Touch) Einstellungen (Touch) Réglages (Touch), Settings (Keypad) Einstellungen (Tastatur) Réglages (Clavier), Product Configuration Produktkonfiguration Configuration Produits, Product Setup Produkteinstellungen Setup Produits, Machine Setup Maschineneinstellungen Paramétrage Machine, Cleanings Settings Reinigungseinstellung Paramètrage Nettoyage, List of Errors - Fehlermeldungen - Liste D'erreur, List of Warnings - Warnhinweise - Liste Des Mises En Garde, Concept Multi Drink - Multi Drink Konzept, Electro Diagram - Elektroschema - Schéma Electrique NMS, Hydraulic Diagram - Hydraulikschema - Schéma Hydraulique NMS, Electric Diagrams - Elektroschema - Schéma Electrique, Hydraulic Diagram - Hydraulikschema - Schéma Hydraulique, Power Board - Spannungsversorgung - Allimentation, Powder Board - Steuerung Pulver - Commande Poudre, Making Co Ee / Tea with Touch Bereiden Van Ko E / Thee Met Touch Preparar Café / Té con Touch, Making Co Ee / Tea with Keypad Bereiden Van Ko E / Thee Met Toetsenpaneel Preparar Café / Té con el Teclado Numérico, Using the Steam Wand / Isteam Gebruik Van Stoompijp / Isteam Utilización de la Lanza de Vapor / del Isteam, Wekelijkse Reiniging Van de Bonencontainers, Menu «Machine Set-Up» Menu «Apparaat-Instellingen» Menú «Configuración de la Máquina, Menu «Cleaning» Menu «Reinigen» Menú «Limpieza, Menu «Touch-Screen Customization» Menu «Beeldscherminstellingen» Menú «Personalización de la Pantalla Táctil, Menu «Counters» Menu «Tellers» Menú «Contadores, Menu «Date & Time» Menu «Datum & Tijd» Menú «Fecha y Hora, Veranderen Van Het Etiket (Toetsenpaneel), Installation and Start-Up Installatie en Inbedrijfname Instalación y Puesta en Marcha, Zubereitung Von Kaffee / Tee Mit Touch Préparation Du Café/Thé Par Écran Tactile, Zubereitung Von Kaffee / Tee Mit Tastatur Préparation Du Café/Thé Par Clavier, Using the Steam Wand / Isteam Dampflanze / Isteam Gebrauchen Utilisation De La Lance Vapeur, Nettoyage Hebdomadaire De La Trémie À Grains, Nettoyage Hebdomadaire (Avec Réfrigérateur), Nettoyage Hebdomadaire (Avec Bac Réfrigérant), Nettoyage Hebdomadaire Du Bac Réfrigérant, Menü «Geräteeinstellungen» Menu «Paramétrage De L'appareil, Menu «Cleaning» Menü «Reinigung» Menu «Nettoyage, Menu «Touch-Screen Customization» Menü «Bildschirmeimstellungen» Menu «Personnalisation De L'écran, Menu «Counters» Menü «Zähler» Menu «Compteur, Menü «Uhrzeit Und Datum» Menu «Réglage De L'heure, Neue Produkte Konfigurieren (Touch) Configurer Les Nouveaux Produits (Touch), Installation and Start-Up Installation Und Inbetriebnahme Installation Et Mise En Marche, Sicherheitshinweise Consignes De Sécurité, Making Coffee / Tea with Touch 使用触摸屏冲咖啡 / 茶, Making Coffee / Tea with Keypad 使用键盘冲咖啡 / 茶, Menu "Touch-Screen Customization" "触摸屏自定义" 菜单, Safety Instructions / Legal Information 安全说明 / 法律信息, Egro ONE Technical Information (30 pages), Software Release V1.01 for Egro ONE Touch, Software Release V1.02 for Egro ONE and Other Items, Modified Bracket On the Coffee Spout and New Guidance of Pipes, The Bracket From the Coffee Spout Has Been Strengthened, The Hose Guide for the Steam Pipe Was Optimized, Safety Valve and the Vacuum Valve Reversed, Egro Coffee Systems AG Page 2 / 30 08/11/2013, Fresh Water Hose with Buildin Check Valve, Software Release V2.02 for Egro ONE Touch + Key Pad, Introduction Modified Connector On the Brewing Valve From the Coffee Boiler, Introduction New Piston Shaft On the Upper Piston From the Brewing Group, Introduction Bean Slider for Bean Hoppers, Introduction New Silent Block On the Water Pump, Introduction of New Gasket On the Heating Element From the Steam Boiler, Software Release V3.02/01 for Egro ONE Touch + Key Pad, New Software ONE V3.03 for Egro ONE Touch, New Software ONE Layout for Touch and Keypad, The Bracket From the Coffee Spout Was Revised Again, New Control Board Software ONE V 3.03 (Basic Software), New Touch Board Software V3.04 (Since September 2012), Information about a Additional Milk Cleaner, New Software ONE V3.05 for (Touch + Key Pad), Gebrauch (Tastatur) Utilisation (Clavier), Tägliche Auslaufreinigung Nettoyage Quotidien De L'écoulement, Kühlschrankreinigung Nettoyage Du Réfrigérateur, Wöchentliche Bohnenbehälterreinigung Nettoyage Hebdomadaire De La Trémie À Grains, Einstellungen (Tastatur) Réglages (Clavier), Menu «Product Configuration» Menü «Produktkonfiguration» Menu «Configuration Du Produit, Menu «Machine Set-Up» Menü «Maschineneinstellungen» Menu «Paramétrage De L'appareil, Menu «Touch Screen» Menü «Bildschirm» Menu «Écran Tactile Touch, Varianten Milchsystem Modèles Du Système Lait, Technische Daten Caractéristiques Techniques, Ein- / Ausschalten Mise En Marche / Arrêt, Tägliche Reinigung Pulverbehälter Nettoyage Quotidien Du Conteneur De Poudre, Tägliche Reinigung Mixereinheit Nettoyage Quotidien De L'unité De Mixage, Wöchentliche Reinigung Pulverbehälter Nettoyage Hebdomadaire Du Conteneur De Poudre, Pulvermodul Installieren Installation Du Module Poudre. La Classe 20 est un produit de pointe dans sa catégorie au niveau de la performance et de la fonctionnalité, elle possède un système révolutionnaire de contrôle de la stabilité de température, une Interface intelligente et une nouvelle approche de la maintenance. On-screen instructions will walk you through the entire cleaning cycle. RANCILIO GROUP S.p.A. con socio unico soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di ALI Group S.r.l. Thanks to the meteoric rise of the specialty coffee industry, consumers today are coffeesavvy and quality-driven. The all new Egro NEXT is a high volume super automatic commercial espresso machine with an app-controlled HD smart tablet with a flexible and customizable operating system. Rancilio has built in an automated cleaning program to help you keep up with the machine’s cleaning needs. Un café toujours parfait, des prestations remarquables et des encombrements très réduits, un excellent design et une ergonomie avancée: c’est la nouvelle Egro One, la machine à café super automatique qui … Nos véhicules de service sont équipés de pièces de rechange pour que les travaux de maintenance puissent être effectués rapidement su… Perfect coffee every time, outstanding performance, amazingly compact, excellent design and advanced ergonomics, is what makes the new Egro ONE, the fully-automatic coffee machine that becomes the new benchmark in its class.. An easy user interface with new technology ensures the operation of … Stylish, practical 4-litre Quick Milk Fridge with a brushed stainless steel door. Egro has been producing the World's finest espresso machines since 1934. Enter the next big opportunity in high-tech … This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. La machine remplit et vide automatiquement le récipient du lait situé à l’intérieur du réfrigérateur et l’utilisateur doit seulement mettre le détergent dans le logement prévu à cet effet. The EGRO ONE is a revolutionary medium to high volume fully automatic espresso machine. Domiciliée à MORNANT (69440), elle est spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité de l'ingénierie, études techniques. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Price $2,695. Egro One has an automated maintenance feature with a push button cleaning cycle which only takes about 5 min. Top-quality milk foam every time, with great consistency, personalised for all beverages, even during the busiest work hours. Quick Mill's reputation for producing industry leading, quality, commercial espresso machines, … The FUM 4-litre fridge can be placed right below the machine for best space optimization. Rancilio EGRO ONE Top Milk Specification Specification (2 pages) Rancilio Silvia User Manual Operation & user’s manual (36 pages) Rancilio Classe 10 USB Use And Maintenance Use and maintenance (41 pages) Rancilio EGRO ONE Touch Pure Coffee Specification Specification (2 … Regular cleaning and maintenance is recommended to keep the Rancilio Egro One Touch Quick Milk Coffee Machine in optimal brewing condition. Large gamme de pièces et produits d'origine en stock et livrable en 24H. X-Tea provides different programmable water temperature levels and dosages for tea and other herbal infusions. Durable - The Egro ONE is designed to last, with many features included to minimize required on-site maintenance to (in most cases) once a year. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team. Regular cleaning and maintenance is recommended to keep the Egro One Touch Coffee Machine in optimal brewing condition. Le suivi des interventions en temps réel. Cons: Expensive - This machine is designed with every element of commercial brewing in mind, and with that type of design comes a … En savoir plus… Une équipe toujours à votre écoute. One Quick Milk is a product of the Egro brand. La durée moyenne du service de nos techniciens de service est de 9,5 ans. Have the delicious comfort of traditional tea with the efficiency of our professional coffee machines, with the Tea Brewer module. Next product. Allegro Group’s exceptional staff believe in consistently producing work of unrivalled quality … The coffee maschine is the most efficient, user-friendly and well designed machine of its kind. When selected Central hot water outlet, the by-pass single cup is a standard. Consultez l'intégralité du catalogue Egro ONE Touch / ONE Keypad de la société egro sur ArchiExpo. | Refrigeration Rentals The stainless steel 18-gram patented brewing group’s advanced sealing technology results in fewer maintenance visits and, therefore, reduces the cost of ownership. Our highly skilled, manufactured trained engineers means that we are one of a very limited number of companies based in the UK that are able to offer a first class service in the installation, maintenance, commissioning and repair of the Robur gas fired product. Features. Click to enlarge . The Egro One by Rancilio is the leading commercial super automatic espresso machine, with a compact design and a 5.7 inch full-color touchscreen that has 6 customizable pages and can be programmed to prepare up to 48 custom espresso drinks. Son effectif est compris entre 10 et 19 salariés. Discover all its features and more fully automatic and innovative coffee machines. The cleaning cycle should be run once a day or after 300 … When selected Right side hot water outlet, the by-pass single cup is an optional. About Us. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Connect is a remote telemetry system to monitor all the operations performed by a single coffee machine or by a whole set of machines. Much as they’d love that large latte with an extra shot of decaf, they can’t always wait for the barista to whip up their coffee. Product: Egro One, Rancilio Partner: Matthew Algie. Rancilio Group. The ONE uses dual Ditting® grinders with stainless … The Egro Zero is specially designed for locations with medium daily consumptions, find out more. On-screen instructions will walk you through the entire cleaning cycle. It even comes with a USB port to upload drink recipes, videos and images. Enjoy utmost flexibility with a range of standard and optional payment system solutions. Egro fully automatic coffee machines are equipped with certain solutions, such as Egro Next “Easy Switch”, which make the difference in the market, both in terms of the quality and speedy service delivered to customers and the cost savings associated with staff/machine maintenance. The refrigerant used in this product is ammonia so therefore has a global warming potential of zero. It features a stainless steel 18-gram patented brew group with advanced sealing technology. With outstanding performance, amazingly compact design, and advanced ergonomics; the EGRO ONE is the new benchmark of its class. External cup warmer with adjustable temperature level and three heatable trays. Die Egro ONE wird gemäss den Angaben auf dem Typenschild ausgeliefert, bietet jedoch verschiedene The ideal solution for preparing also Thai tea and many more recipes. Egro NEXT propose un cycle automatique et rapide de nettoyage quotidien. Egro One, der neue Kaffee-Vollautomat, der neue Anhaltspunkt der Kategorie. Page: 1/34 The New Benchmark For Coffee Machines Powder hoppers capacity: 2x 1 kg / 2.2 lb. Copyright 2019. Pièces détachées de Machines à café EGRO d'origine pour entretenir ou dépanner son modèle Egro one. Neue User Experience, neue Technologie, absolute Kontrolle über die Maschine. ... More about the F4 Egro Zero. EGEO MAINTENANCE, société par actions simplifiée est en activité depuis 12 ans. Offer customers new options by setting up an external Powder Module: select ingredients to automatically mix, prepare and dispense. Equipping our clients with the very best is just one of our aims. Organic Ethiopian Yergacheffe Coffee Beans by One-Touch Drinks $ 11.40 – $ 57.00-10%. Page 56 Specific safety instructions Specifieke veiligheidsvoorschriften Instrucciones de seguridad específicas The Egro ONE must not be set up in areas where water tubes or Installation and start up must only be carried out by an Egro service highpressure cleaners are in use! The Egro ONE Touch provide extreme flexibility for refined performances. EGRO One-Powder Module $ 2,250.00 $ 1,912.00. Work Area LED It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Of traditional tea with the machine ’ s cleaning needs courante et au optimisé. Of extensive research and development to get in Touch with our support team and quality-driven 04 37 02 75. Very best is just ONE of our professional coffee machines, find out more hot. A range of standard and optional payment system solutions est une option du système lait utilise! Egro ONE Touch provide extreme flexibility for refined performances three heatable trays that! 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