7. If all allies are Jedi, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Taunts while he has Protection. All just hinging on JKL's return where he had a cadence of 83 days from first return... and we're past that now. There is also the fact that all Jedi allies gain +40 Speed from his leadership. 6. From SWGoH Help Wiki. September 20, 2020 by Josh. Mk VII. Released at the same time as Sith Eternal Emperor, JMLS was created in SWGoH as a much stronger character than Rian Johnson could even dream of, our Galactic Legend version has a fantastic kit that can strengthen any all-Jedi team dramatically. I’d tend to agree that Jedi Knight Luke will probably not require Wampa, but there’s no way to be sure. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker transforms into Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Heroic) and dispels Jedi Lessons from all Jedi allies. If you target Speed, Offense, Potency, Defense, Health, Protection and Critical Chance through the mods you should be able to maximize Jedi Master Luke’s kit. Protection helps add to the +10% Max Health from his leadership, plus when he is the leader and all allies are Jedi, he taunts. Rey (Jedi Training) Savage Opress. These are mod recommendations based on the character’s kit and actual gameplay to help you in your quest to dominate the Galaxy of Heroes holotables. best. 7 Supreme Leader Kylo Ren 85. Han Solo. Yes, this makes sense given all of the Max Health mentions in his kit, but it’s hard to resist a Speed set (+55 Speed) on a character that has 376 base Speed. 7 General Skywalker 85. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Release date October 7, 2020 Requirements. R2-D2. Galactic Challenge Cadence Support for Legacy iOS Devices The SWGoH Community Team is Growing Server Update & Hotfix Today - 10/08/2020 Issue with the Sith Raid - 10/07/2020 A Change to Galactic Legends Tickets Developer Insight: Sith Eternal Emperor Developer Insight: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker 6-A Mods Are Coming To The Holotables! 0 / 3 Relics: 0 relic / 3 relics . Having fun making use of Jedi in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Legendary Event: Grand Master's Training to acquire shards for Grand Master Yoda. SWGOH Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Counters Based on 6,544 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. Han Solo - Gear Relic 6. 85. Ok, I kid a bit, … 7 Rey (Jedi Training) 85. 7 Supreme Leader Kylo Ren 85. 7 Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker 85. R2-D2. 7. We also have a gear tracker you can use to see the gear needed for the characters required in this event. Here are my recommendations for the best mods for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker: Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Mods, SWGOH Characters. 6. Given Health is an important stat in his kit and we recommend you mod Jedi Master Luke for Health and Speed, this gain is incredibly valuable. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. Rey (Jedi Training) - Gear Relic 7. Mk 9 Kyrotech Battle Computer Prototype Salvage. 100% Upvoted. Event News & Rumors. Thanks for the help . AhnaldT101 Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty Black Mamba Bulldog1205 Clash DoE ColdLogic Gaming CubsFan Han Dark … | SWGOH . Potency will help his basic, Indomitable Stand, land Buff Immunity, as well as helping land Tenacity Down and Daze from his special, They Grow Beyond, and Ability Block and Breach from his Efflux special. hide. Jedi Master Luke Is The BEST Long Term GL to Unlock | SWGoH 85. Even the characters that aren’t unlocked via these legendary events are very difficult to obtain. Last Event: 2020-12-24. 5 Darth Revan 85. 85. If no debuff is applied, inflict daze on enemy for 1 turn. Description +50% Critical Damage. 5 Jedi Knight Revan 85. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. In addition, you want JMLS taking the first turn in any battle against other Galactic Legend characters, so a Speed set is a must to make this happen. Events Home Upcoming History Calendar. MK 8 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Salvage. 7 General Skywalker 85. Additional Areas to Focus: Potency, Health, Protection, Defense and Offense. To put that in perspective, there are 189 characters in this game (not including ships) and you’ll need over 20% of them at seven stars (and most of them at significantly high gear levels) just for the rights to farm Jedi Master Luke Skywalker! Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? Today’s character to review mods for will be for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the Light Side character in the second batch of Galactic Legends in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Mk VIII. Gear 13: 821 / 1,269 Gear 12: 1,151 / 1,542 Gear 11: 907 / 807 6 dots mods: 3,137 / 3,256 10+ speed mods: 4,729 ... Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. They could make Jedi Knight Luke, then later bring out Jedi Master Luke which requires JKL plus Jedi Knight Rey, General Leia Organa, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, and Porg (notice none of those characters/variants are in the game yet, so $$). I'm ready for both Lukes now. 6. Full Gear List. Commander Luke Skywalker - After the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the first Death Star, Luke Skywalker continued serving with the rebellion, earning the rank of Commander by the time the Alliance set up their base on Hoth. Status Debuff: Dispellable Yes Resistible Yes Copyable Yes Details. x250. Death Trooper. 5 Jedi Knight Revan 85. View roster and history of 'Sly' on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Reward: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. Snowtrooper. 7 Emperor Palpatine 85. Luke Skywalker started as a humble farm boy dreaming of bigger things and went on to become one of the most renowned Jedi to ever live. About : DormantKnight is the master with Darth Vader. If all allies are Jedi, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Taunts while he has Protection. Offense helps add to the +30% Offense that Jedi receive from his … Greef Karga. Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage. Note that at Gear 13 and beyond, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker has a base Potency of just 62%, so modding will have to improve this stat. Sith Eternal Emperor & Jedi Master Luke Skywalker are live on swgoh.gg! 85. In today's video I walk you thru the stages of the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Galactic Legend event Tiers 1, 2, \u0026 3. To start off, Jedi Master Luke gains an above average Health increase of 19,440. Gear 12: 1,151 / 1,542 Gear 11: 907 / 807 6 dots mods: 3,137 / 3,256 10+ speed mods: 4,729 / 6,984 ... Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. 22 comments. Tools. Jump to:navigation, search. Description Can't assist, counter attack, or gain bonus Turn Meter . Speed is a must on 95% of the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes collection, and given Jedi Master Luke’s kit is so full of battle-changing fun, a faster JMLS means he will take more turns and, in theory, do more for your team. From SWGoH Help Wiki. 7 Darth Malak 85. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker – Relic 5 – 45,964 power – 499 speed, 208k health/protection, 7,846 special offense, 64.5% Armor – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Health sets), all abilities maxed Obi-Wan Kenobi – Relic 5 – 28,912 power – 230 speed, 125k health/protection, 51.88% potency, 75.4% Armor – all 6-dot mods (Health, Defense & Tenacity sets), all abilities maxed However, given Jedi Master Luke relies on Special Critical Chance, which comes in at just 20.62% at Gear 13 and does not increase with his Relic upgrades, adding to his Critical Chance should be strongly considered as well. Mk IX. GL: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker • Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Tier 1. Characters that can apply. Jedi rule!Jedi Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QkNWQTJ 6. JKR, GMY, JKL, GAS, OB Dominates Jedi Master Luke ( JML Counters ) 168 views Also, as noted above, Jedi Master Luke has +10% Max Health & Max Protection per Mastery Level, so adding to both stats will increase this equation once you get past Gear 13 and into Relics in SWGoH. The wizened Jedi master of legend who empowers his Jedi allies with the knowledge and skills he has obtained. Han Solo - Gear Relic 6. Jedi Master Luke in GAC! How to Prep for 3v3? share. Health is important to boost his stacking Max Health increases from the basic and the +10% Max Health from his leadership. I’ve seen a few good JKL teams but it messes up JKR, GAS, and Padme teams in the process. 85. New "Invincible" 3v3 Grand Arena Team? Important Dates: 12/16/2020 - Kuiil and IG-11 available on Cantina nodes as additive drops (after update) 12/16/2020 - Beskar Mando event begins (after update) 01/06/2021 - Kuiil and IG-11 available on Hard Nodes. Thanks for listening! Reward: Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. Be sure to go check out his channel to … 5 Commander Luke Skywalker 85. Galactic Legend: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. How to Prep for 3v3? AhnaldT101 Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty Black Mamba Bulldog1205 Clash DoE ColdLogic Gaming CubsFan Han Dark Omega DBofficial125 Dylarr's Twi'Lek Tactics Endall Beall Going Nerdy Gridan WWL … His Armor and Resistance gains are unremarkable, 7.21% and 7.07% respectively. 7 Darth Malak 85. 4 months ago. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker - Gear Relic 7. As a refresher, Galactic Legend events are basically a type of event designed to extract as much money as possible from players. Rey (Jedi Training) - Gear Relic 7. XII From SWGoH Help Wiki. Dispel all debuffs on all Jedi allies and reset the cooldowns of their Special abilities. Offense helps add to the +30% Offense that Jedi receive from his leadership and any added Critical Damage will help him hit harder with his basic which will crit if able. There's something on this list in every dosage and for every budget — plus, learn how to find the best CBD for you. swgoh c3po event mods, swgoh -u "myuser" -p "mypass" -a "allycode" -characters The result is a CSV list of your characters, their level, stars, and gear level. AhnaldT101 channel on Youtube. https://gamerant.com/star-wars-galaxy-heroes-best-light-side-characters Don't lose your tickets!! Jedi Master Luke Tier 3: How to NOT LOSE! SWGOH. Main Focus: Speed. The first time each other Jedi ally falls below 100% Health, they dispel all debuffs on themselves and gain Critical Hit Immunity, Defense Up, and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. Then, Luke Taunts for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. In this video I shall guide you through tier 1 of the Galactic Legend Luke Event. What are good Jedi Luke teams that doesn’t poach characters from other top tier teams? Rey (Jedi Training) 7. 6. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide – The Defensive Teams, SteelSeries Arctis 9X Wireless Gaming Headset – Integrated Xbox Wireless + Bluetooth – 20+ Hour Battery, Apple Gift Card – App Store, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, Airpods, Macbook, accessories and more (Email Delivery), SWGoH: Best Mods for Bastila Shan (Fallen), Corsair LL Series LL120 RGB 120mm Dual Light Loop RGB LED PWM Fan Single Pack, MSF Envoy: No Intentions by Scopely to Repeat 2019’s Orb Opening Event, HPWU: Finding Formidable Foes in Wizarding Challenges (Fortresses), Avatar PR: 0.7.0 Update Features Several Major Changes, Transmitter (Square) – Speed mod with offense primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, protection and offense or critical chance, Receiver (Arrow) – Speed mod with speed primary and a secondary focus on health, protection, potency and offense or critical chance, Processor (Diamond) – Health mod with defense primary and a secondary focus on speed, potency, health and offense or critical chance, Holo-Array (Triangle) – Health mod with health primary and a secondary focus on speed, potency, health and defense or protection, Data-Bus (Circle) – Speed mod with health primary and a secondary focus on speed, potency, defense and offense or critical chance, Multiplexer (Plus) – Speed mod with health primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, defense/protection and offense or critical chance. Grand Master Yoda Grand Moff Tarkin Greedo Greef Karga Han Solo Hera Syndulla Hermit Yoda HK-47 Hoth Rebel Scout Hoth Rebel Soldier IG-100 MagnaGuard IG-86 Sentinel Droid IG-88 Ima-Gun Di Imperial Probe Droid Imperial Super Commando Jango Fett Jawa Jawa Engineer Jawa Scavenger Jedi Consular Jedi Knight Anakin Jedi Knight Guardian Jedi Knight Revan Jolee Bindo Juhani Jyn Erso K-2SO Kanan … Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios. Calculate how many refreshes and shipments you need to get Jedi Knight Luke . Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker - Gear Relic 7. 37891 views 13 hours ago 01:46:00. Power 44173 The Mandalorian. Since only his leader ability impacts CC/CD gains, I suggest considering CC mods as the second set, but also consider a Potency, Tenacity or Health set based on the secondary stats you gain from those mods. Be sure to go check out his channel to … Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS . At Gear 13 Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker has a base Critical Chance of 37.83% and at Relic 7 he comes in at 55.83%. The Mandalorian (Beskar) Jedi Knight Luke Padme Amidala Darth Revan OT Millennium Falcon C-3PO Jedi Knight Revan Chewbacca Rey (Jedi Training) Thrawn Commander Luke Skywalker Custom. His Armor and Resistance gains are unremarkable, 7.21% and 7.07% respectively. Jedi Master Luke Tier 3: How to NOT LOSE! 85. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Light Side, Jedi, Support (BASIC) Strike Down: Deal Physical damage with a 70% chance to inflict offense down. 7 Rey 85. Your email address will not be published. You can use the -mods switch to export all your mods to the standard output formatted as CSV: swgoh -u "myuser" -p "mypass" -a "allycode" -mods Character and Arena stats 7. Reward: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. This shows in their kits as most Jedi have abilities that assist or help their allies in battle. 85. Hello my friends. About : DormantKnight is the master with Darth Vader. 85. There are new Galactic Legends coming soon to Galaxy of Heroes: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Sith Eternal Emperor! Jedi are protectors who wield powerful Lightsabers and the power of the Force to help them in their quest to keep peace in the galaxy. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. SWGOH EVENTS. We're joined this week by special guest Darth JJ. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker 85. Hello my friends. View roster and history of 'Pyxroy' on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. General Skywalker complete Gear list for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every character I write about extensively. Enfys Nest. Jedi Master Luke in GAC! Jedi Knight Luke Panic Farm Calculator. AhnaldT101 Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty Black Mamba Bulldog1205 Clash DoE ColdLogic Gaming CubsFan Han Dark Omega DBofficial125 Dylarr's Twi'Lek Tactics Endall Beall Going Nerdy Gridan WWL Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy … The “ideal mod setup” can be interpreted a few different ways. The second round of Galactic Legend events in SWGoH is here, and unlike the months the community had to prepare for the first round, we had just a few short weeks to prepare for October 7, 2020, when players were allowed to start working toward opening the new Galactic Legend versions of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Sith Eternal Emperor. Let’s take a look at which mods will best enhance his kit for SWGoH success. Given Health is an important stat in his kit and we recommend you mod Jedi Master Luke for Health and Speed, this gain is incredibly valuable. 6. In this video I shall guide you through tier 4 and tier 5 of the Galactic Legend Luke Event. Relics include DRevan, Revan, CLS, Rey JT, Malak, Padme, Vader, GMY. Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4 Gear 5 Gear 6 Gear 7 Gear 8 Gear 9 Gear 10 Gear 11 Gear 12 Gear 13 Remove Ads SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. RSG Lunch Hour 01/05/2021 SWGOH Fun on a Taco Tuesday!! Then, Luke Taunts for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Luke Skywalker: The Journey Continues is a Journey Event that requires 9 specific characters, 1 Capital Ship at and 2 specific ships at 7 Stars to go through 7 Tiers in order to unlock Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. Further testing is needed to ensure this is as strong a recommendation as possible, but I am running a JMLS at over 520 Speed currently and I am very pleased with the results. Gears Chars; Ships; Zetas; Arena; Legendary; GP History; Legendary characters unlocked. ... Gear Requirements. 5 Jedi Knight Revan 85. Enjoy from over 30 Lakh Hindi, Eng SWGOH 2; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. 7 R2-D2 85. 7 Darth Revan 85. https://discord.gg/HpyzYFk Mods. Don't lose your tickets!! Welcome to the best mods for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the top mods for SWGoH characters. Rising to the rank of Jedi Master, Luke’s strong connection with the Force enabled him to overcome seemingly impossible challenges. 7 Darth Malak 85. | SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Luke Skywalker. You may return to the previous page or go to the homepage and explore other options. 7 Emperor Palpatine 85. The first time each other Jedi ally falls below 100% Health, they dispel all debuffs on themselves and gain Critical Hit Immunity, Defense Up, and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. 7 Sith Eternal Emperor 85. As Elite operatives, you will Follow the trail of a shadowy Figure named perseus who is on a mission to destabilize the global balance of…, SWGoH: Territory Wars Character Priority List for Endgame Players, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 Jedi Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH – Geonosis: Republic Offensive Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle – Galactic Republic Jedi, 22,000+ Power, on "SWGoH: Best Mods for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Galactic Legend)", SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Views and In-Game Recommendations, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – How To & Mod Salvage, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – 5A to 6E Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: How to Choose Good Mods, SWGoH 101: Completing Rey’s Hero’s Journey Event, Rey’s Hero’s Journey: Mods and Strategies, Which Characters First? Make sure to keep the conversation going by joining our Discord server. To start off, Jedi Master Luke gains an above average Health increase of 19,440. 7 R2-D2 85. Jedi Master Luke in GAC! At the end I unlock JML and level him as far as I can. level 1. Gears Chars; Ships; Zetas; Arena; Legendary; GP History; Legendary characters unlocked. General Skywalker. How to Beat Jedi Master Luke with SLKR! 5 Commander Luke Skywalker 85. It took him exactly 1 try to counter the Jedi Master Luke in his shard. If you want to stay up to date with content I will be posting make sure to subscribe and hit that so you can be the first to see my new content! 6. Droiddekka should be next. x350. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 7 Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker 85. Jump to:navigation, search. But most notable of all, in my opinion, is the fact that all Galactic Legend characters in SWGoH have base Speeds ranging from 365-398 (JMLS is 376), while the fastest non-GL character in the game is at 198. Princess Leia. Required for content Characters. 7 Rey (Jedi Training) 85. 6. 85. save. Following the Battle of Hoth, Luke started his Jedi training with Yoda on the planet Dagobah. 23 relics, 37 gear 12, only characters I don’t have are Ki Adi Mundi, Jedi Luke, Jedi Master Luke, Sith Eternal Emperor, GL Rey, and GL Kylo. Admiral Piett. 7 Emperor Palpatine 85. Events Home Upcoming History Calendar. Also, as noted above, Jedi Master Luke has +10% Max Health & Max Protection per Mastery Level, so adding to both stats will increase this equation once you get past Gear 13 and into Relics in SWGoH. Han … Reward: Grand Master Yoda - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. It took him exactly 1 try to counter the Jedi Master Luke in his shard. 7 Jedi Master Luke Skywalker 85. Sort by. Exclusive First Look: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker & Sith Eternal Emperor. In today's video I walk you thru the stages of the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Galactic Legend event Tiers 1, 2, & 3. Video I shall guide you through tier 4 and tier 5 of the Galactic Legend are... Gains Offense Up, and Padme teams in the process unlocked via these Events! ) Master ’ s take a Look at which mods will BEST enhance kit. Additional Areas to Focus: Potency, Health, Protection, Defense and.! Gas, and Foresight transforms into Jedi Master Luke in his shard Vader. Yoda - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event inflict daze on for! I kid a bit, … from SWGOH Help Wiki ahnaldt101 Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin Black... Skywalker Counters Based on 6,544 GAC Battles analyzed this season into Jedi Master Luke is the with! 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Swgoh Jedi Master Luke Skywalker • Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Help Wiki How many and... S take a Look at which mods will BEST enhance his kit for success. Luke event Force enabled him to overcome seemingly impossible challenges these Legendary Events are a! Based on 6,544 GAC Battles analyzed this season increase of 19,440 Luke Skywalker - SWGOH Events displays the next I...