Under most circumstances, kribensis will make a good addition to a community aquarium of hardy fish. It is usually she who initiates spawning, dancing in front of the male and displaying her purple belly to entice him to spawn with her. The water of the low-lying blackwater streams is acidic and very soft, while the delta waters are slightly brackish, more alkaline, and far harder than the streams feeding it. Males are larger, longer, and thinner with fins that end in distinct points. I have a 29 gallon canister filter on the tank, not only is a canister filter an excellent filter in general, but this is almost 3 times what i need, so i don't think bio-load is a problem here. When I was a kid I seldom see Kribensis in pet-shops. Their common name, Kribensis ( or Kribs for short) is derived from their former scientific name Pelmatochromis kribensis. They prefer shallow water with thick vegetation but are tolerant of many different levels of water hardness. To maintain their good health, feed them a variety of foods. They are pair bonding cichlids from Africa. The fish originates from the drainage area at the mouth of the Ethiope River in the Niger Delta, where a variety of water conditions exist. Many aquarium enthusiasts have debated whether or not kribensis can have tank mates. Make sure you provide plenty of caves to act as potential spawning sites (upturned clay flowerpots with a small piece of the rim removed work particularly well). Her belly will darken, becoming deep purple in colour. Kribensis tank set ups. Kribensis is an undemanding fish when it comes to water conditions, which is another reason for its popularity. They are both hardy and beautiful, two qualities that beginners seek. They are much smaller than the males and have a more rounded belly that is bright red/purple when they are ready to spawn. Even when not spawning, these are an attractive fish that can be found in a variety of color morphs such as yellow, red, green, and blue, in addition to the albino variety which has been bred for several decades. Tetryon. Then the little Kribensis breaks another rule, it is an African Cichlid that is, yes this is true, a great community aquarium fish, calm and able tank mate, eats anything and survives a wide range of conditions. That’s big enough for many of the fish mentioned in this article, but not all of them. Omnivore. Very easy. Its Latin name translates to "beautiful belly." Ensure that the edges of the opening are smooth. P. taeniatus is one of the most colorful members of its genus and has the smallest adult male size. Finally, an exception to the rule #3, the female is smaller than the male, more colorful than the male and the female beats up the male! … If other cichlids will be in the community tank, choose a species that is not bottom dwelling. Once the fry is free-swimming, feed them freshly hatched brine shrimp, very finely crumbled flake food, or one of the commercially available fry foods. Cave spawner. The Spruce Pets uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Then the little Kribensis breaks another rule, it is an African Cichlid that is, yes this is true, a great community aquarium fish, calm and able tank mate, eats anything and survives a wide range of conditions. With Kribs being bottom feeders, they usually wait until … my question is,.... is it safe to use declorinator while the fish are in the tank? Although they are a peaceful fish, they may nip the fins of slow-moving fish such as angels. She spend majority of her time around the pot and when the more aggressive male comes she’s always hiding in it. It is also strongly advised to keep the tank covered as the kribs are considered an active breed. Some owners have seen success housing single Kribensis Cichlids in smaller 10-gallon tanks, but larger is always better. Good tankmates include small characins, barbs, danios, rasboras, Corydoras, gouramis and Loricariids. It’s best to avoid housing them with slow moving species with long and flowing fins, such as angelfish, since they have been known to nip at fins. They do get a little aggresive when breeding but never had any casualties. A good quality cichlid pellet can be fed as staple, but ensure the diet is varied with regular feedings of live and frozen foods. Successful community tanks will probably require tankmates from the same region; Pelvicachromis pulcher (African) At three to four inches when fully grown, this fish is also classified as a dwarf Cichlid. There are color forms identified by serious breeders but most hobbyists keep this fish in a community tank or as a prelude to the rarer or more difficult Pelvicachromis species. kribensis-community-aquarium Kribensis in the community aquarium. Dwarf Cichlids are bottom dwellers, Harlequin's are mid table and the Bristlenose shouldn't be in there, the tank is too small. Fish like Blue acara or Jewel cichlids are likely to pick a fight with a Krib and should be avoided. They are best kept in pairs with small tetras, barbs, danios, rasboras, Corydoras, gouramis, Loricariids, or other West African dwarf … Very easy. The eggs hatch in 2-3 days with the fry becoming free swimming after 7-8 days. The belly takes on a more vivid red coloration during times of breeding. When using half-round clay or ceramic flower pots, make sure there are no chemicals on or in the pot's material that could leach out. I have 2 male and 2 female kribensis in a 80 gallon community tank. One of my female hangs around a pot and actually built a little barrier at the entrance of it. While they are generally not destructive to vegetation, kribensis does like to burrow and they may uproot plants. Lower or higher temperatures can affect the size of the clutch and even the sex ratio of the fry. Plant pots turned on their side or caves added to the tank will definitely induce the fish to pair up, these will provide spawning sites in the future. Although they are a peaceful fish, they may nip the fins of slow moving fish such as Angel fish. They are less brilliantly colored than the females, especially on the belly. Whether or not an individual fish can or should live with your angelfish depends on a wide range of factors. Avoid housing community Kribs with other cichlids that may not share the laid-back approach to life. Kribensis cichlids are not an overly demanding fish and will thrive if they are provided with a spacious, well maintained aquarium. Even plastic pipes, coconut shells, or driftwood can be used to create suitable caves. For this reason, kribensis is sometimes described as a brackish-water fish, although sudden changes in water chemistry stress this fish and contribute to disease. However, there are many aquarists who have successfully kept a kribensis in a community tank. Kribensis, Krib, Rainbow Krib, Purple cichlid: Scientific name: Pelvicachromis pulcher: Synonyms: Pelmatochromis kribensis (based on a misidentification) Size: 4" (10cm), females smaller. Unlike a lot of African cichlids, Kribensis (Kribs) can be kept in a community tank. In the community tank aim for water that is neutral pH, of hardness up to 7°KH, and has a temperature of about 25- 26°C/77-79°F. Kribensis fish originate in the African waters of southern Nigeria and the coastal areas of Cameroon. Stray fry are either rounded up or taken into the mouth of one of the parents and spat back into the main group. Plants are not essential but the fish will appreciate the additional cover. They grow to about 5-8 cm and can be kept in small community tanks or alone as they are not as aggressive as other cichlids. A great addition to a peaceful Cichlid or larger community fish aquarium. However, you can select your own pair, as they are pretty easy to mate. He doesn’t go inside but does his shimmy at the front and she’ll shimmy from the inside. For the best survival rate do not add any other bottom dwelling species, particularly catfish, as these may predate on the fry or eggs. Make sure you don’t get fish that out compete them for food. Once the pair has prepared their nest, spawning will take place within the cave, where 200 to 300 eggs will be laid. the smallest you use. Gentle filtration via an air-powered sponge filter or similar is preferable as the fry may be sucked into a power filter. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Kribensis is the … Origin: Nigeria, and coastal zone of Cameroon. will it kill them? The tank should be set up as above with a temperature of 75-81°F and pH 6.5-7.0. The Kribensis Cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher) is a freshwater fish of the cichlid family native to Nigeria and Cameroon. The tank should contain plenty of hiding places and potential spawning sites. That’s the … I have a 29 gallon canister filter on the tank, not only is a canister filter an excellent filter in general, but this is almost 3 times what i need, so i don't think bio-load is a problem here. It is important to maintain copper levels in … Kribensis work relatively well in community tanks, with peaceful fish of the same or larger size. They favor fine, dark-colored gravel, which they will quickly rearrange to suit their needs. Adult Length – 10cm. Color. 10. Kribensis are beautiful fish and are very easy to keep and breed. Corydoras Catfish. Temperature Range – 24 – 26°C. As you condition the pair by feeding them a generous diet that includes live foods, their colors will intensify as they prepare to spawn. The body is marked with two lateral, brown … kribensis-community-aquarium Kribensis in the community aquarium. They have an elongated shape and are black in color with a yellow stripe and red belly. The females are stockier with less elongated fins. The type of fish you list should be fine in that setup with the kribs. When ready, the pair choose a cave in which to spawn or dig one themselves under a piece of decor. This fish is one of the best choices for newcomers to both Cichlids and fish breeding, being of a manageable size, entertaining to watch, good looking and easily bred. The fish form monogamous pairs and the best way to obtain such a pair is to buy a group of 6 or more young fish and grow them on, allowing pairing to occur naturally. But these days you can see them often and still cheap. The speckled fry darting just across the surface of the gravel are difficult to spot. They can be housed with other West African Dwarf cichlids but they need enough tank space to set up territories for themselves. You might even end up with some fry! Although they are a peaceful fish, they may nip the fins of slow moving fish such as Angel fish. However, in some cases one parent will take over care of the young and not allow the other parent near, even going so far as to attack the non-custodial parent. Shirlie is a fish and aquarium lover with 16 years of experience writing on the topic of raising and keeping fish at home. These fish will fit right in, although you might want to provide them with a partner. Get rid of the Bristlenose and you are … Kribensis are omnivorous and will accept flake or pellet foods, frozen brine shrimp, freshly hatched brine shrimp, daphnia, mosquito larvae, bloodworms, and even vegetables such as zucchini. Make sure to get the same species of fish; there are several closely related species that look similar. Condition the adults on a good diet of live, frozen and dried foods and spawning should occur in most circumstances. Kribensis are a shy and retiring species that are often recommended for community tanks, but like all cichlids, they become territorial and mildly aggressive when breeding. Even though … To be honest they are quite a peaceful fish and quite fun to watch especislly when the female continually flirts … The most common problem for the Kribensis is the itch, which can either be treated by increasing the tank temperature or feeding it copper-based medicines. Females ready to spawn can be quite aggressive. If you do choose to buy a … Kribensis cichlids can be kept and even bred in a community aquarium, a species aquarium or even in a West African biotope aquarium. Great Qualities. This means you should avoid shy or equally territorial tankmates; the ideal choice are species that aren’t easily impressed by the raging … Use fine gravel (under 3 mm) and use a depth of at least two inches, so the spawning pair can burrow. It’s appreciated by this family. If you do choose to buy a single pair, select the largest male and most colourful female from the dealer’s tank. The ideal water temperature is around 80 degrees. At this point, the parents are ready to mate again and will spawn if in their breeding home. Iridescent golds and reds are … Kribensis Cichlids don’t need a massive tank to stay healthy. When they have spawned, the male is removed to a community tank. Kribensis Tropical Fish Learn all about the Kribensis's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. They tolerate a wide range of tankmates. Colour and … I have this pair of Kribensis in my community tank with Bristlenose catfish, Zebra Danio, Leopard Danio, Serpae Tetra and Harlequin Rasbora. Having the in a peaceful … Males to 4″ (10cm), females to 3″ (7.5cm).eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'seriouslyfish_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',111,'0','0'])); 24″ x 15″ x 12″ (60×37.5x30cm) – 71 litres is suitable for a single pair. Temperament / Behavior : The Kribensis is a cichlid and cichlids are known as fish that can take care of themselves and their territory. Kribensis in Community tank. Slightly soft water at a pH of 7.0, usually yields fry in a relatively even ratio of males/females. These parameters tend to ensure a relatively even distribution of sexes within the brood. Thi s c ommuni t y i s bui l t around t he popul ar K ri bens i s … It was first introduced into the hobby in the 1950s and immediately became a big hit with aquarists. Some populations exist in brackish conditions. Common Names: Kribensis, purple cichlid, niger cichlid, palette cichlid, rainbow krib, pink kribensis cichlid, king cichlid. Cory Catfish. P. pulcher is often kept in a community tank, however, take care in choosing tankmates. We do have to note that like many other cichlid species, they do tend to terrorize their tankmates to some degree when breeding time rolls around. While … Diseases. Two kribensis, two African butterfly cichlids, one Bolivian ram, four rosy tetra's, five neon tetra's, two flying foxes and two bristle nose catfish. General: The kribensis cichlid is a very popular beginner cichlid that originates from West Africa, specifically Nigeria and Cameroon. However, in the aquarium trade, Pelvicachromis pulcher is the fish usually sold under the name kribensis. Kribensis are a shy and retiring species that are often recommended for community tanks, but like all cichlids, they become territorial and mildly aggressive when breeding. favourite this post Jan 3 Boxing/Martial arts Beginner (Ann Arbor) hide this posting restore restore this posting. Considered both a community tank fish and a dwarf cichlid, the Kribensis Cichlid is attractive and interactive, getting along well with most other community species. Make sure you don’t get fish that out compete them for food. You must consider all factors when picking angelfish tank mates, including: Minimum Tank Size: Thirty gallons is the minimum, but I like to see adult angelfish in 55-gallon tanks or larger. Do not keep with very vigorous or large species as this is generally a shy and retiring fish. Their aquarium should have rocks and caves, and should be heavily planted. P. pulcher can be reclusive at times, so the addition of schooling or other fish is advised, to reduce their instinctive shyness. Females develop a characteristic purple belly when in spawning condition and are rounder-bodied than males. Read on to learn more about each fish so you can decide whether or not they are right for your tank. Kribensis Tank Mates. Dry Rock and Buckets of Gravel for Salt Water Fish Tank $50 (det > Grosse Pointe Woods) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. $85. They also tend to be less aggressive when breeding. Offer several caves so the pair can choose the best location. They are not recommended for community tank setups and will even fight amongst themselves around breeding time. The tank itself should be well-planted with real or artificial plants. than wild-caught ones. P. pulcher reaches sexual maturity in as little as six months (females mature faster), so ask if the store owner knows the age of the fish. As mentioned earlier, kribensis cichlids can be kept in some types of community aquariums. But this alone doesn’t make a fish a good choice. Pelvicachromis pulcher is a very common aquarium fish and can be found in the tanks of many if not most pet stores. E l mer’s A quari um Communi t y Tank Ideas Tank S i z e- 15 gal or more K ribe nsis Cic hlid in a c ommunity tank W hy Ke e p The m ? Doing so is very stressful for the fish and removes the infusoria that the young feed on. We recommend an aquarium that can hold 20 to 30 gallons. They may then disappear for several days. do i have to treat the water and let it set than add the fish? A breeding pair should have the tank to themselves, as they become very aggressive while spawning and caring for the young. When this occurs, promptly remove the secondary parent to another tank to avoid fights. Kribensis fish are relatively peaceful and won’t complicate or threaten other fish. This is often the point when the unsuspecting aquarist discovers their fish have bred, as the fry leave the cave en-masse, shepherded by both parents. There are no guarantees that simply buying a male and female fish will result in a compatible pair, and it may result in the death of an unwilling partner. In the wild kribensis breed in the side of river banks by digging away soil between roots to create a … Albino tank raised specimens are relatively common, and both forms are readily available in the aquarium hobby. I was wondering if a single male Kribensis in a 29G tank would do well in a community with Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Otocinclus, and a single Bolivian Ram. It’s ultimately up to you whether you want to give your kribensis … Tank setup: Planted aquarium with rocks or bogwood for shelter. Diet. 72-82° F, KH 3-10, pH 6.0-8.0. One of the most common and popular Cichlid species in the hobby, the vast majority of Kribensis (often simply called “Krib” by many fishkeepers) seen in the hobby today are captive bred and are far more adaptable in terms of water chemistry than the wild fish. The cave need not be large, but it must be structurally secure and have only one entrance that allows in minimal light. A 20-gallon or larger tank is ideal. Avoid keeping them with another cave-dwelling species, as kribensis are territorial about caves. The Kribensis is often the first fish bred by newcomers to the hobby as they often breed in the community tank. But a long long time ago, when i knew nothing about fish, some … That smaller size will require less room and allow you to keep more fish. Kribensis is a beautiful, hardy addition to a freshwater community tank. Kribensis cichlids can be kept and even bred in a community aquarium, a species aquarium or even in a West African biotope aquarium. Even if you are not planning to spawn them, provide each fish with one or two caves. Males will invariably fight, and even two females will quarrel for the attention of the male. Male fish are larger than females and develop pointed dorsal, caudal and anal fins. Be aware however that although they are a peaceful fish, they may nip the fins of slow-movers … The juveniles look … The Kribensis is often the first fish bred by newcomers to the hobby as they often breed in the community tank. They are bottom dwellers, so provide some foods that will sink, such as sinking pellets. A 20 gallon (90 litre) aquarium should be viewed as the bare minimum, and a 29 gallon tank (131 litre) is almost always a better choice. Pelvicachromis pulcher (African) At three to four inches when fully grown, this fish is also … You’ll love Pelvicachromis pulcher: with a pair of these feisty African cichlids your tank will never be boring. Black, Red, Yellow. Larger diameter substrate will hamper the pair from burrowing and also put the tiny fry at risk of dropping through spaces in the gravel and subsequently perishing. While it’s true this subspecies can be aggressive during spawning and they tend to peck at the fins of slower fish, there are aquarists who argue that they have successfully kept a kribensis in a community tank as well. Images available ; click on one to open viewer on different water layers in a community tank setups will. One to open viewer community tank, let me explain the situation hardy and beautiful, two qualities that seek... Usually sold under the name kribensis retiring fish pair choose a species that is bottom... Being led around the tank to themselves, as they are bottom dwellers, so some... Body, curl her fins, and vibrate her body in a community tank however! Growing young themselves, as they are maturing close + show 14 categories... 20gal tank Ypsilanti... 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