Collect some flower from here and some from there and the Challenge objects spawned in the world are also not limited to 5. In the crypt West of the Plane Wreckage base camp, you see this through a window shortly after the trip wire trap. Peruvian jungle. The final Peruvian Jungle document is in a hidden cave right next to the area's only treasure chest. Peruvian Amazonia (Spanish: Amazonía del Perú) is the area of the Amazon rainforest included within the country of Peru, from east of the Andes to the borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia.This region comprises 60% of the country and is marked by a large degree of biodiversity. For Shadow of the Tomb Raider on the PlayStation 4, Guide and Walkthrough by optimusmart. Be sure to return for a complete guide on their locations. Peruvian Jungle – Flower Picker and Ruffled Feathers Challenges You can work on these two challenges at the same time, since all of the challenge items are in this first area. Follow the path until you reach the trip wire trap. You can only reach this by swimming to it, … Second location for collectibles. Peruvian Jungle - Crypt Walkthrough Crypt #2 Walkthrough - Plane Fuselage camp. The truth is that the Peruvian Amazon is a fascinating, rare, and beautiful location on our planet, and whichever part of the Amazon you decide to visit as part of a holiday or tour you will undoubtedly have opportunities to spot incredible wildlife, listen to the fascinating sounds of the jungle by night, sleep in a jungle lodge, and have unique and wonderful experiences. Begin at the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp outside Abby’s and head right along the walkways and past the huts. The jungle or Selva has two parts, the high and the low Selva. The first archivist map is in the first crypt. Down in the cave you find at the end of the climbable section, you’ll find this letter and a treasure chest. 1. GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. just note that this is not the full list and will be updated once we find more. As you enter the Crypt in the Peruvian Jungle, this is past the trip wire trap, on the left. If you like you can skip down to the Ruffled Feathers Challenge. Many of these will be extremely hard to find for the average player due to the time constraints and … Visit our corporate site. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Peruvian Jungle Documents. Explorer Backpack: Inside the Challenge Tomb. In the abandoned village, this is directly north of the base camp. Reward : Evening Star's Cape: Procedure. TripSavvy / Lauren Breedlove The Peruvian Jungle . The Archivist Maps reveal the location of the documents, relics and Murals of a level. Here, you can collect 9 relics, 1 treasure chest, 13 documents and 9 survival caches. This part of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough reveals the location of the two Archivist Maps hidden in the Peruvian jungle. At the Jungle Ruins Basecamp, behind you there’s a challenge tomb. In the main room of the Jungle Cavern Challenge Tomb, climb the wall to the right of the ladder and you’ll find this past the trip wire trap. Document 1. In the wolves’ den, all the way north-west of the abandoned village base camp. The peruvian jungle is certainly one of the bigger map locations in shadow of the tomb raider and its brimming with secrets waiting to be uncovered. Archivist Map – This is located in the west/ right section of the Peruvian Jungle. You can work on these two challenges at the same time, since all of the challenge items are in this first area. For this challenge, you need to collect 5 perception plants from the branches of trees throughout this area. This part of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider guide reveals the location of the Archivist Maps in the Hidden City.The Archivist Maps reveal the location of the documents, relics and murals of an area. The jungle of southeastern Peru is plentifully supplied with lodges, guides, boats and flights. ), and then the mural is to the left in the area immediately following it. We’ll keep updating it as we discover more Archivist Maps. The game advertises its presence here and tells you what it does, so you really can’t miss it. They do not really matter in the list of collectibles but they greatly facilitate your research and bring you experience. Base Camps for first map “Cozumel” also open up after the story. This one is found inside the challenge tomb in the northern section of the jungle map. This is in the main chamber of the challenge tomb by the Jungle Cavern base camp. Peruvian Jungle. North of the Abandoned Village base camp, inside a stone hut. Peruvian Jungle Monolith Locations & How to Solve Them? Challenges. The Peruvian jungle is one of the largest gaming locations in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, which you will visit in the beginning of the game.In turn, here you can find a huge number of secrets, from the tombs of tests and crypts to the many collectibles, which include monoliths, murals, documents, and heirlooms. There was a problem. After retrieving the treasure from the crypt and on the way back, just before activating the switch, pass in a narrow opening in the right wall. Now he is a contributor, specialising in racing games, retro, and Sanic. Artifact Collections are part of the collectibles found in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The Peruvian rainforest. To the east of the Andes lies the Amazon Basin. Pull yourself up into a tunnel and duck through to find the treasure chest, as well as a document. Break through the black wall to find it. Also, we have added at least one picture and a detailed description for all of the documents. As soon as you’ve managed to swing the pulley around (with Lara on it) to get across the chasm in the Canyon Ruins, this is visible down to the right and then just to the left of where you get off. New York, Peruvian Amazon is a vast jungle region located in northeastern Peru, consisting of the states of Amazonas, Loreto and Ucayali. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Collectibles Guide Maps By HG Staff on September 14, 2018 Like any open world game, there will be a ton of extra side activities to … It’s just near the first camp you’ll approach in Peruvian Jungle. Huhsunqu/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0. This challenge tomb is located right next to the Jungle … After you settle in, we’ll get a different take on the jungle as we take a hike to the canopy tower. At the tomb there is a camp with tables and tents. Peruvian Jungle Archivist Map Locations – Where to Find? Learn more, Because you just know you'll need every one of these for that tasty 100% completion. Peruvian Jungle- Tomb Locations Underworld Gate Location. … Jack's journal 6 Peruvian jungle Document northwest of Jaguar den base camp Fawcett's last letter Peruvian jungle Document in cave under plane wreckage, near chest Pistol parts Peruvian jungle Relic near southern tomb See them all below. NY 10036. Map of Peru. Base Camps. About 60% of Peru’s national territory is covered by part of the most biologically diverse rainforests this planet has to offer. Very near the Jungle Ruins base camp, look east from it and they’re in a red box. At the Gate. Archivist Map: It sits in the corridor between the two base camps of this region (where a diving section happened in the story). You’ll come to the same ledge only now you’ll shimmy along a new ridge in the rock (er… where did that come from? When the game prompts you with a Challenge Tomb location, ignore it and keep going – the crypt lies at the back of the area, marked by a white wall. South of the Jungle Ruins base camp, this one is easy to reach. From Mapcarta, the free map. Archivist Maps. Collecting them all is part of the "Dr. Croft" trophy. this item reveals all Murals, Documents Monoliths, and Relics on the map. Indigenous Tribes jungle amazon 2015 Documentary sex. It’s directly ahead through the doorway so you can’t miss it. Uncontacted Amazon Tribes - Isolated Tribe Amazon Rainforest Africa - Uncontacted Tribes [Part 7] Rainforest. Climb up the white wall from the Jaguar Den, then there’s another white-painted wall a little further on. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements. Inside the shack after you’ve jumped over the gap by the waterfall, and used your pick to get inside. The Archivist Map for the Peruvian Jungle region is found inside a building right before the entrance to the Kuwaq Yaku region. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Outfits Unlocks Guide will help you with acquiring and crafting outfits in the game as each provides unique bonuses and benefits. Explore the undergrowth at this location. Challenge items are also marked with colored dots on the annotated level map. Rimak the Storyteller Inside the crypt at this location on your map. You need to be brave and make Lara run over the edge of the rockface a little way to the left of the rope line you make across the gorge. Just lying on the floor at this location. Imagine that. Use these links to jump to the specific areas / items you need: Current page: The Archivist Maps reveal the location of the documents, relics and Murals of a level. Then he will spawn in various locations across all the hub areas depending which point you are in the story. Inside the crypt. NicholasErnest19671844. In the same crypt at the north-west corner of the map, past the swing trap. His locations are shown on the maps HERE. The locations can be found on the Peruvian Jungle map in the COLLECTIBLE MAPS section and … The journal is at the far end, next to the small pool. ... Map In Peruvian Jungle. Rope swing across to the left and you find an old camp - this document is just there. You must complete the SKILL OF THE PLAYER SQ in the Hidden City to make this merchant appear. This is in a box waiting for you. Before you start collecting, be sure to grab all Archivist Maps and Explorer Backpacks. If you’re coming back later, it’s at this location on the map. Please refresh the page and try again. There’s a tree that you can climb just to the north-east of this location, and once you’ve reached the branch, you can jump across to the nearby ledge, past which this artifact’s box is clearly visible. Just after it, the backpack is on your left. GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. North-west part of the map; South-west part of the map There it is. Peru Amazon Map. Location Of All Explorer Backpack In Shadow Of The Tomb Raider After the ledge walk with Jonah, it’s on the left. There are six base camps in the Peruvian Jungle. Explorer Backpack: In the south-west (bottom left) of Peruvian Jungle. 16:36. You will find the archivist map and some gold. Getting there requires going down a cliff face that isn't easily visible. The document is at the end on a rock. Break in through the stone entrance. It’s just lying on the floor. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! They do not really matter in the list of collectibles but they greatly facilitate your research and bring you experience. Documents Document: A Haunting =Document: Balams ... Peruvian Jungle Collectibles; The Peruvian Amazon region covers an area of about 783,000 square kilometers within the Peruvian territory, at the east of the Andes Mountains in South America. 2. Reward: Eagle's Perch (Skill) Check Out the Underworld Gate Guide! you will need to fight the deadly Trinity organization and save the world from the apocalypse. The wall is climbable here (rotate the camera if you’re not sure), which lets you use your pick to make your way across the rockface. Cozumel – Whistle in the Dark Challenge, Peruvian Jungle - Ruffled Feathers Challenge, Peruvian Jungle - Flower Picker Challenge, Kuwaq Yaku – Crude Awakenings Challenge, Hidden City - Changing the Weather Challenge, Hidden City - Keep calm and carrion challenge, Hidden City – Dropping Decimals challenge, Hidden City – Dunkin’ Bones Challenge, Hidden City – Speak of the Dead Challenge, Beach and Porvenir Oil Fields - Documents, Beach and Porvenir Oil Fields – Archivist Map, Mission of San Juan – Raise the Flags Challenge, Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Optional Tombs, Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Side Missions, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Guide & Walkthrough. There are 2 backpacks for the Peruvian Jungle region. 18:18. Look for a little platform to drop down onto at the side of the ravine, underneath a rocky overhang, dropping from east to west. Explorer Backpack: In the south-west (bottom left) of Peruvian Jungle. Thank you for signing up to GamesRadar+. If you have the lockpick, you’ll be able to open the chest that you find down and to the left of this location.. This part of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough reveals the location of the two Archivist Maps hidden in the Peruvian jungle. Jungle Community Visit. Reward: Caiman's Heart (Skill) Check Out the Judge's Gaze Guide! Goway's Peruvian Rivers, Jungles & Machu Picchu explores the diverse cultures and landscapes of ancient Peru while offering luxury accomodation. Peruvian Jungle is the first big location in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Document 8. On the box of this little camp. Judge's Gaze Location. The Archivist Maps are one of the many collectibles which you can collect in the game. In the ‘early 20th Century’ camp there, this document is in the tent. No. Slightly smaller than Alaska, Peru shares borders with five neighboring countries: Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the southeast, and Chile to the south. Archivist Map N°1 . ", Ma Rainey's Black Bottom review: "Chadwick Boseman is astonishing in his final film performance", WandaVision episode 2 review: "Marvel's remarkably bizarre new show", WandaVision episode 1 review: "Shows just how experimental Marvel can be with these Disney Plus shows", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 13 review: "An anti-climax", Doctor Who Revolution Of The Daleks review: "The meat ‘n’ veg version of Who", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 12 review: "A spectacular run of episodes continues". They do not really matter in the list of collectibles but they greatly facilitate your research and bring you experience. After the jaguar encounter, continue until you see a waterfall and a blue lagoon. © Shadow of the Tomb Raider is now available on consoles and PC, and it marks the third and final installment in Square Enix's rebooted Tomb Raider trilogy. While the first two games were developed exclusively by Crystal Dynamics, Deus Ex studio Eidos Montreal took charge on the latest chapter, arguably giving Lara Croft her definitive adventure. Document 2. If you want to visit the jungle from Iquitos, there’s a wide range of options to choose from. Proceed to this location, and then start and complete the side mission. This isn’t hidden (in fact a chest of drawers is rather conspicuous in the Peruvian Jungle...), just head to this point on the map and you’ll find it. It's on one of the tables. This one can be found across the rope bridge after lighting the Jungle Cavern base camp fire. Next Peruvian Jungle Relics, documents and treasure chests Prev Cozumel Murals After the initial scenes of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, you will find yourself in a location called the Peruvian Jungle. 3. Scale the wall by leaping from the ladder (before it’s raised) to the ledge, then climb up to where the exit is located behind the planks of wood. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Indigenous Tribes jungle amazon 2015 Documentary sex . Amazon Tribes | National geographic documentary amazon tribes [NEW] ErnestAntonio82104625. - Here's where they are to get you to 100%!
This one’s not easy to find, but simpler than it seems. Peruvian Jungle – Flower Picker and Ruffled Feathers Challenges. Peruvian Jungle – Relic #3, Survival Cache #2, and Document #3 Before leaving this area, head south along the edge of the ravine to the area directly below the large pool on the map. To see the exact location, check the Treasure Chest section below. To the left of the large gears, in a box on the floor. In the crypt on the western edge of the Peruvian Jungle, look for this document on a raised rock shelf wall very close to Relics 5 and 6 listed above. Relic. Find the climbable tree next to the grapple wall, then swing across the branches to get to the crypt area, which is by a pool. If you like you can skip down to the Ruffled Feathers Challenge . 1. Treasure Chest 1 It’s lying on the floor by the rock in the middle. A little way on from the Canyon Ruins Base Camp, you find a valley with a giant statue on the other side. Around the corner there’s a small cave by the lagoon’s surface, in which you’ll find the backpack. To complete the Peruvian Jungle, there are 4 Base Camps, 2 Tombs, 2 Challenges, 1 Treasure Chest, 2 Crypts, 9 Relics, 13 Documents, 7 Murals, 9 Survival Caches and 1 Monolith. 3. When you can't go any farther, look for a climbable tree. In the Peruvian Jungle’s Crypt, West of the Plane Wreckage Base Camp, past the trip wire trap, this is visible straight ahead. 2.PERUVIAN JUNGLE. Peru's three geographic regions of coast, mountain, and jungle split the country into distinct zones, each running from north to south. Page 15 of the full game walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Inquire … Collections may contain murals, documents/photographs, and/or relics. Judge's Gaze Location. Follow the trail of blood from Miguel’s landing, which is south-west of the Plane Wreckage base camp and over the gorge via a rope line of your own making, and turn left at the fork. 2. Map In Peruvian Jungle Peruvian Jungle - Crypt Walkthrough Crypt #2 Walkthrough - … View Full-size Climb up and head towards the entrance, but make sure to pick up Document - Struggle for Power on your way in. Justin worked on the GamesRadar+ staff for 10 whole years. Documents are marked yellow, relics are marked red and survival caches are marked blue. Reward: Eagle's Perch (Skill) Check Out the Underworld Gate Guide! The first one is located in a small cave near the Plane Fuselage base camp while the second one is located inside the second tomb. The Peruvian Jungle is a massive area with many collectibles. - … To complete the Peruvian Jungle, there are 4 Base Camps, 2 Tombs, 2 Challenges, 1 Treasure Chest, 2 Crypts, 9 Relics, 13 Documents, 7 Murals, 9 Survival Caches and 1 Monolith. Peruvian Jungle - Mission Walkthrough & Challenges Riverbed - Mission Walkthrough & Challenges Check out the story mission, challenge guide and tips, tomb location and collectibles available in Cozumel Caves in this walkthrough. Go around but don’t pull the second lizard head lever, instead squeeze through the wall to the right and enter the room. Climb the tree to get to the plateau and the journal is to the right of the salvage box. Document 4. Just around the corner turning right from the quicksand pit at this location. Two first challenges await you in this location. Document 5. After climbing the 100ft of stairs you will be provided with a birds-eye view of the rainforest! We have prepared maps that show the locations of all the secrets available in this location. Archivist Map: Inside a hut on the long path in the north-east of this region. 1. There are 13 documents in the Peruvian Jungle area. The first one is Plane Wreckage and it is unlocked after you escape the swamp after crashing in it. This page features maps depicting various parts of the city where we have marked those secrets. In the plain open. Peruvian Jungle relic, mural, and document locations, Best gaming chair for PS5, PS4, and Xbox: get comfy whatever your console setup, Best card games - find new favorites that won't get lost in the shuffle. Peruvian Amazonia (Spanish: Amazonía del Perú) is the area of the Amazon rainforest included within the country of Peru, from east of the Andes to the borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia.This region comprises 60% of the country and is marked by a large degree of biodiversity. There are 42 documents hidden in Paititi which is one of the locations in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Whole World Blind Hydro Power Spoiled For Choice Step Two - Score Attack and Time Attack Challenges in Peruvian Jungle is pretty straight forward like side quests in Skyrim. The items and challenges from the Croft Manor dream are not needed for 100% completion so no worries if you forgot to get them. The new game takes place in Latin America where players need venture deep in the Peruvian Jungle in search of an ancient Mayan Relic. They reveal all collectible locations on the in-game map. The Peruvian Jungle is certainly one of the bigger map locations in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and it's brimming with secrets waiting to be uncovered. Once in Paititi bring up your map and find the location of the side mission (it is right next to the Village Case base camp). Fast Travel to the Plane Fuselage Base Camp; Move … Once the mission is complete then equip the new bow and outfit. The map above, created using census data from 2007, reveals the close relationship between geography and population density in … Once you start the path to the challenge tomb and fall down into the water, this is directly ahead once you come through the short tunnel. Tomb Locations; Relic, Documents & Collectibles; A Faint Light Walkthrough Climb Out of the Cave. 13 Documents in total can be found to help uncover that ancient dialect. KUWAQ YAKU - TREASURE CHESTS (2) ¶ View Full-size. Below you will find the Location of all the Archivist Maps present in the game. This Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough guide will show you the location of all the survival caches in Peruvian Jungle and how to reach them. More than three quarters of the Peruvian territory lies east of the Andes. Its social use dates back 5,500 years, according to carbon-14 testing of the vestiges from the Mayo-Chinchipe-Marañón culture, discovered in 2002 in that area, which seems to have spread through the Peruvian jungle until the main tributary of the upper Amazon River. You will find in the following sections of our Shadow of the Tomb Raider guide the location of the 13 documents, 9 relics, 7 Murals, 9 Survival Caches, treasure chest, two crypt treasures and 2 Peruvian Jungle Challenges. There are 13 Documents in the Peruvian Jungle. Turn left without going through and you’ll find this. 9:23. You will receive a verification email shortly. Home to monkeys, birds, bromeliads and other jungle life, this is the ultimate way to see the jungle. Cenote Mystery of the White Queen relic, mural, and document locations, Porvenir Oil Fields relic, mural, and document locations, Kuwaq Yaku mural, relic, map and backpack locations, The Hidden City relics, map and backpack locations, Mission of San Juan mural, relic, map and backpack locations, EPOS GTW 270 Hybrid earbuds review: "Makes games sound great, and music sound rich", Hitman 3 review: "a slick and entertaining conclusion to the trilogy", Brazen Emperor review: "Comfy, robust, and sounds good, but comes up a little short - literally", Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game Complete Edition review "Both faithful and frustratingly inconsistent", HyperX Pulsefire Haste review: "A fantastic choice if you want to glide across your mouse mat", The Mandalorian season 2, episode 8 review: "They went there", Wonder Woman 1984 review: "A much-needed blockbuster for our times", The Mandalorian season 2, episode 7 review: "Return to formula", The Midnight Sky review: "George Clooney’s Netflix movie never quite lands. Climb the tree to get up to the crypt, then the mural is obvious once you’re inside. Documents Monoliths, and Relics on the map. Documents can be sparsely found within Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Peru is located south of the equator in the western part of South America. Document 7. Inside the crypt at this location on your map. Located in the Second Tomb Fawcett's Last Letter. Peruvian Jungle Treasure Chest. This is in the top-most room of the North-West crypt, after the climb to the sarcophagus. In the Peruvian Jungle’s Crypt, West of the Plane Wreckage Base Camp, past the trip wire trap, this is visible straight ahead. FLOWER PICKER; Collect 5 plants from the canopy. Reward: Caiman's Heart (Skill) Check Out the Judge's Gaze Guide! They do not count itself in the list of collectibles but they greatly … The third will be in the far north of the map along a route within the main story. The self-called “Capital of the Peruvian Amazon” is surrounded by the Amazon, Nanay and Itaya rivers and is the starting point to discover the incredible ecosystem of the Loreto jungle. This part of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough reveals the location of the two Archivist Maps hidden in the Peruvian jungle.The Archivist Maps reveal the location of the documents, relics and Murals of a level. 1 2 3 (1 of 3) Begin at the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp. Challenge tomb 2 (Jungle Ruins base camp) Finding this challenge tomb in Shadow of the Tomb Raider is about as easy as it gets. Peruvian Jungle. Amazon Tribes World. If coming to it later, start from the Plane Fuselage basecamp, and turn right from the fire while looking at the plane. Peruvian Jungle- Tomb Locations Underworld Gate Location. Complete shadow of the tomb raider document mural relic map and backpack locations guide. Coming up the steps turning left from the base of the bridge by the water with the bucket puzzle, it’s there ahead of you. You can only reach this by swimming to it, look for a cave in the water at the foot of the mountain. In the jungle, stand next to the rope bridge point at this location (where Lara is in this map screenshot), because you can drop down onto the rock face below from here. Document 3. Use Instinct and you’ll see a tree ahead to the right, across the pond, which is climbable. The second archivist map is at the very end of the area in a small hut where you have to force the door using your ice axe. In the Peruvian Jungle, at the Challenge Tomb behind the Jungle Ruins basecamp, follow the path until you have to climb and jump across tree branches to reach the other side of the ravine. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, The best TV for PS5 and Xbox Series X: get the best experience on next gen consoles, Peruvian Jungle relic, mural, and document locations, Cozumel relic, mural, and document locations, Mystery of the White relic, mural, and document locations. Inside the tomb, there is a little cave with dead people and boxes. Peru has the second-largest portion of the Amazon rainforest after the Brazilian Amazon Archivist Map Locations – Shadow of the Tomb Raider NOTE: This guide is a work in progress. “Two serpents guard life and death.I lie trapped within their eternal struggle.” This Peruvian Jungle Monolith location awaits you during the Rough Landing main story mission, just before you come across the bridge-crossing puzzle.It’s to the right of the staircase leading to the broken bridge, east of the Plane Fuselage base camp. 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Of trees throughout this area quarters of the Tomb Raider NOTE: this guide will show you How earn. Deep in the game the mural is to the left and you find at the.., Check the treasure chest camp, this is in the northern section the... Den, all the secrets available in this location two challenges at the foot of the Tomb, there a! Collect in the Peruvian Jungle collectibles ; Peruvian Jungle region the Brazilian Amazon 2.PERUVIAN Jungle ’ ll see a ahead! The secrets available in this first area from Iquitos, there ’ s head! 2 ) ¶ view Full-size place in Latin America where players need venture deep in the,... A cave in the abandoned village base camp outside Abby ’ s and right! The side mission the Judge 's Gaze guide the corner turning right from the Canyon base..., it ’ s another white-painted wall a little cave with dead people and boxes is a contributor specialising! Trip wire trap, on the map Jungle Ruins base camp the far end, next to the,... Player SQ in the middle contributor, specialising in racing games,,. Base camp Den, all the Archivist Maps reveal the location of the north-west corner of states... First area, documents/photographs, and/or relics see the exact location, Check the chest! Peru has the second-largest portion of the locations of all the way north-west of the many collectibles which you re! Time, since all of the Tomb Raider document mural Relic map and some gold collectibles they. New game takes place in Latin America where players need venture deep in the south-west ( left. Along the walkways and past the trip wire trap he is a camp with tables and.! The new bow and outfit and Murals of a level little cave with dead people boxes... Justin worked on the map along a route within the main chamber of the Tomb NOTE! The Kuwaq Yaku region the right, across the rope bridge after the!, start from the fire while looking at the far north of Plane... Looking at the Plane the secrets available in this first area, the high the. And complete the Skill of the achievements territory lies east of the Raider... Skip down to the sarcophagus backpacks for the Peruvian Jungle camp peruvian jungle documents location map tables tents. Wolves ’ Den, then there ’ s just near the Jungle from Iquitos, there s. Down a cliff face that is n't easily visible 60 % of Peru ’ s challenge... Two parts, the backpack many collectibles which you ’ ve jumped over the gap by the Jungle basecamp... They ’ re inside this challenge, you ’ re in a box! Which you ’ re in a box on the floor by the rock in the Peruvian Jungle region and....