RTP, as he was known, was an emeritus Professor at the University of Washington, where he developed a career that helped define the field of community ecology. [6][8] Upon graduating from the University of Michigan, Paine completed a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. Robert Treat "Bob" Paine III (April 13, 1933 – June 13, 2016) was an American ecologist who spent most of his career at the University of Washington. This person was created on 10 February 2011 through the import of James_s Complete Family Tree.ged. He passed away on 11 August 1910 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, America. Ever an avid naturalist who paid close attention to the specifics of a bird song or a starfish’s diet, RTP’s best-known contributions were the concepts of keystone species and trophic cascades. Smith. Author contributions: S.R.P., J.A.E., P.K., S.A.L., J.L., and M.E.P. [8][11], In a noteworthy[12] 1966 paper, Paine described a rocky intertidal ecosystem in Makah Bay in Washington state, where top predator species help maintain biodiversity. The dual themes of experimental ecology and process-oriented ecology were to be the hallmark of RTP’s subsequent academic contributions. Family links: The Papers of Robert Treat Paine. Paine, Robert Treat. Robert Treat Paine was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America who signed the Declaration of Independence on behalf of Massachusetts. Dr. Robert Paine III, MD is a Pulmonologist in Salt Lake City, UT and has over 40 years of experience in the medical field. Although the evidence is still limited, a growing body of research suggests music may have beneficial effects for diseases such as Parkinson’s. Copyright © 2021 National Academy of Sciences. [8], Paine's doctoral research thesis was on the ecology of living brachipods. After a postdoctorate at The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California, he took a faculty position at the University of Washington, where he began working on the complex invertebrate communities of the highly productive and species-rich northeastern Pacific intertidal zone. In the welter of the interactions of hundreds of species, RTP focused on predator–prey interactions, charting out the species that were consumed by others. Researchers are still trying to understand what causes this strong correlation between neural and social networks. More Genealogy Tools ↑ P. 27 Paine Ancestry: The Family of Robert Treat Paine, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. [6][11], Paine retired in the late 1990s but continued to be active as a professor emeritus at the University of Washington. Henry III, King of England is in the 18th generation of the family tree for Robert Treat Paine (Ahnentafel #259872). 1 for a more detailed synopsis). 12, 1730 or 1731, in Boston; died May 11, 1814, age 84, and is buried in the Granary Burial Grounds, Boston, MA, son of RICHARD and ALICE TREAT of Milford, CT. In Memoriam: Robert Treat Paine III (1933–2016), An Outsized American Naturalist. Robert Treat "Bob" Paine III (April 13, 1933 – June 13, 2016) was an American ecologist.He spent most of his career at the University of Washington.. Paine created the keystone species idea to explain the relationship between Pisaster ochraceus, a species of starfish, and Mytilus californianus, a species of mussel. Robert Treat Paine (March 11, 1731 – May 11, 1814) was a signer of the Declaration of Independence as a representative of Massachusetts. [20][21] Paine's research helped popularise field manipulation experiments, sometimes called "kick-it-and-see ecology", at a time when field ecologists tended only to observe natural ecosystems. Sometimes students learned the experimental method too well, as when a group of us (who hardly knew one bird from another) decided to conduct an experiment on whether RTP could indeed identify birds only by their songs, as he boisterously claimed. Astronomers thought they’d finally figured out where gold and other heavy elements in the universe came from. Acknowledgements . [22], "Scientific families: Dynasty. Division of Marine Science and Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516; 2. Robert T. Paine (Bob) passed away on 13 June 2016 with his three daughters gathered around him, only two months after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. [5][11] Brian R. Silliman, 1 Peter Kareiva, 2 and Catherine A. Pfister 3. CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing can improve the effectiveness of spermatogonial stem cell transplantation in mice and livestock, a study finds. Robert Treat Paine (March 11, 1731 – May 11, 1814) was a Massachusetts lawyer and politician, best known as a signer of the Declaration of Independence as a representative of Massachusetts. This concept has found strong support across many ecosystems, and over the ensuing decades has focused attention of the role of humans in controlling diversity, abundance, and productivity (7). Indeed, RTP was chosen as the Chair—and performed exceptionally effectively—of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries’ Salmon Recovery Science Review Panel, as well as other committees assessing environmental impacts. Robert Treat Paine III passed away June 13 in Seattle surrounded by family and friends. RTP grew up in Boston as an avid naturalist and bird watcher, and attended Harvard. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Vol. Paine was born in Boston, Massachusetts, a descendant of Gov. To Anna Louisa, on Her Ode to Fancy. [18] In 2000, he founded the Experimental and Field Ecology Fund to support graduate student research;[7] the fund was renamed the Robert T. Paine Experimental & Field Ecology Endowed Fund to mark Paine's 80th birthday. The fundamental changes in communities without stars focused RTP on the role of predators controlling community composition. [4], Paine was born on April 13, 1933,[5] and grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts. WikiTree profile Paine-463 created through the import of wikitree.ged on Aug 1, 2011 by Abby Brown. [1][A], In 2013, he was awarded the International Cosmos Prize, including a cash prize equivalent to about US$408,000. Hunt and Lee, comps. Trophic cascades are the many changes in species diversity or abundance that ensue when a consumer is removed from an ecosystem (see ref. wrote the paper. ROBERT TREAT PAINE (1730-1814) MA By Joyce Page-Van Houdt May 25, 2002 at 05:10:47. ROBERT TREAT PAINE (5), born Mar. PDF | On Oct 1, 2016, Paul K. Dayton and others published Robert Treat Paine III, 1933-2016 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate [14][15][16] This concept states that an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone species is removed, even though that species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of biomass or productivity. Robert Treat Paine, (born March 11, 1731, Boston, Mass. The caption reads,”The able Doctor, or, America swallowing the Bitter Draught.” Robert Treat Pai… Late one evening, we snuck away from our camp and played the sound of a bird known strictly to be from the United States east coast. is an experienced Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine physician who has been board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine an Jump to main navigation Jump to content Online ISSN 1091-6490. AU - Levin, Simon A. 1. And once the keystone species were perturbed, dramatic changes cascaded down the food web. In this, RTP found a simple metric for predation by a large abundant species: By turning over purple sea stars, he could record the diets of hundreds of individuals. A patriotic judge and politician, Paine was raised by highly religious and respectable parents who imbibed in their children a high regard for moral values and principles. The idea of trophic cascades was presented in the Tansley Lecture to the British Ecological Society (6). Image courtesy of Robert Steneck (University of Maine, Orono, ME). He is affiliated with University Of Utah Hospitals And Clinics. [19] Paine died from acute myeloid leukemia, a type of blood cancer, at the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, Washington, on June 13, 2016. Another enduring dimension of his legacy was his mentoring and inspiration of several generations of graduate students and postdocorates in the adventure of working out the complex wiring of species interactions, all within the wild dynamics of natural ecosystems. He graduated from Wash U, School of Medicine medical school in 1981. The Papers of Robert Treat Paine is a selected edition of documents primarily from the Robert Treat Paine collection at the Massachusetts Historical Society. Robert Treat Paine (1773-1811). [U.S.]—died May 11, 1814, Boston), American politician, jurist, member of the Continental Congress (1774–78), and signer of the Declaration of Independence.. Paine graduated from Harvard in 1749 and, after trying teaching and the ministry, turned to the study of law and was admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 1757. He has left many strong interactions behind, and a cascade of admiration for his contributions to our science and our lives. Throughout his career, RTP emphasized the importance of his work to basic ecology; but he was equally concerned with the impact of humans on biodiversity, and contributed substantially to preserving the planet’s resources through service to the Ecological Society of America, the National Academy of Sciences, and government agencies. RTP taught that great ecological insight could grow out of observing pattern (in the field) and discerning process (experimentally). Paine coined the keystone species concept to explain the relationship between Pisaster ochraceus, a species of starfish, and Mytilus californianus, a species of mussel. [17] Paine also coined the term "trophic cascade" to describe the top-down effects that occur in ecosystems when an important species is introduced or removed. Thank you for your interest in spreading the word on PNAS. It has become a very popular concept in conservation biology. He served as the state’s first attorney general, and served as an associate justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the state’s highest court. "[21] Paine's former students and postdocs include Paul Dayton, Bruce Menge and Jane Lubchenco. Includes citations for all sources. RTP was also well-known as a champion of the use of experimental methods in field ecology, helping to show that simple experiments in complex natural communities could reveal a wealth of information about how species interacted with one another. RTP bounded off his chair and raced into the bush toward the tape player, yelling “Chuck-will’s widow!”—proving both his complete command of bird watching detail and the value of a good, well-placed experiment. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of Robert Treat Paine (1730/31–1814) to other famous people. Robert Treat Paine III (1933–2016), An Outsized American Naturalist Brian R. Silliman,1 Peter Kareiva,2 and Catherine A. Pfister3 1. Paine ancestry : the family of Robert Treat Paine, signer of the Declaration of Independence, including maternal lines [database on-line]. His first known interest in the rebellion was his open celebration of the repeal of the Stamp Act. We do not capture any email address. Paine coined the keystone species[1][2][3] concept to explain the relationship between Pisaster ochraceus, a species of starfish, and Mytilus californianus, a species of mussel. [1][5] As late as 2013, aged 79, Paine continued to make regular visits to Tatoosh Island for research purposes. [1] Paine and his work are featured prominently in the 2018 documentary film The Serengeti Rules. Robert T. Paine, who passed away on 13 June 2016, is among the most influential people in the history of ecology. Robert Treat "Bob" Paine III (April 13, 1933 – June 13, 2016) was an American ecologist who spent most of his career at the University of Washington. Robert Treat Paine III passed away June 13 in Seattle surrounded by family and friends. One of RTP’s gifts was to marry patterns of species abundance with the results of field manipulations, and discern ecological processes that transcended his focal taxa or community. This led to a simple question about the impact of predation on intertidal communities, which RTP studied by experimentally manipulating densities of purple sea stars along rocky shores. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. RTP, as he was known, was an emeritus Professor at the University of Washington, where he developed a career that helped define the field of community ecology. Paine was an experimentalist, a theoretician, a practitioner, and proponent of the “ecology of place,” and a deep believer in the importance of natural history to ecological understanding. Again, some species were dramatically more important than others in maintaining ecosystem stability. RTP maintained his devotion to his daughters and his gardens and his friends and always assumed that everyone and everything would be a delicate tangle of interactions and effects. 1867. [6] He was fascinated by biology from a very young age. RTP worked intently with mathematicians to turn his intuition about ecological process into well-tested theory, but also returned the favor by helping them to savor the messy details of fieldwork. 2. Others were key to community composition, and without them the communities collapsed. [10] As a postdoctoral fellow, he worked on the history and energetics of opisthobranchs (marine gastropods). Early adopters of RTP’s 1966 paper on the control of diversity by predators (3) included famous papers from 1966 and 1967 on species diversity gradients (4) and the limits of similarity between species (5). She was born May 15, 1744, and died June 6, 1816. Robert Treat Paine (March 11, 1731 – May 11, 1814) is an American Founding Father. In 1770 Robert Treat Paine (RTP, 1731-1814) stood as counsel for the prosecution in the Boston Massacre trials. The parade of studies discussed in this paper painted a heuristic model of the eddies of ecological interaction in the sea of species. In addition to food web theory, these experiments focused on the role of disturbance and patch size on diversity, interaction strengths and their importance to community stability, the role of predation in controlling primary production, causes of zonation along physical gradients, and many more insights. Some species could be removed without huge effect. And there was a bevy of students, researchers, and visitors clamoring for the honor of being included in a Tatoosh Trip. The Robert Treat Paine Papers. The Book of the Sonnet Robert Treat Paine III passed away June 13 in Seattle surrounded by family and friends. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Much of Paine's work at the University of Washington focused on the organization of marine communities. Adoption of the idea came very quickly. Ancestry.com. [7] After graduating from Harvard University in 1954, he served in the U.S. Army, where he was the battalion gardener. There, the work of starting, monitoring, and maintaining various intertidal experiments intersected with long conversations about natural history, community ecology, and the more prosaic business of camp housekeeping in the perpetual fog of the outer coast of Washington. T1 - Robert Treat Paine III (1933-2016) AU - Palumbi, Stephen R. AU - Estes, James A. This university on the rocks produced a steady stream of papers, doctorates, inspiration, and an academic genealogy that spans ecology, evolution, invertebrate biology, mathematical biology, and environmental biology. RTP was a descendent of a celebrated clan in Boston that included Thomas Paine and Robert Treat Paine Sr., a signer of the US Declaration of Independence, as well as the great mathematician George Birkhoff. It was here that much of his research on keystone species occurred. Almost two decades later, he prosecuted the Shays’s Rebellion treason trials (1786-1787). He was working on papers up until the last few weeks, and even in a weakened state could be roused by interesting natural history or a provocative ecological conjecture. [9] In 1962, Paine joined the University of Washington, where he spent the rest of his career and became well known for his work. "Richard Treat" (or Trott) (1584 - 1669) "Samuel Treat" who was an early New England settler and a Patentee of the Royal Charter of Connecticut, 1662. 14, 1965 . Robert Treat Paine III. Robert Treat Paine III was one of the great ecologists of history, whose legacy through research and mentoring reshaped the discipline, and helped it evolve from descriptive natural history to an experimental and quantitative science. In light of recent results, they’re not so sure. [20], Paine's research—and the subsequent work of his students—has been very influential in the field of ecology,[1] and he has been called a "giant" of the field. Robert Treat Paine III (1933-2016) June 2017; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(27) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1706692114. 102763947, citing Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA ; Maintained by Find A Grave … [1] Ed Yong wrote that "by encouraging independence and prizing fieldwork, Paine mentored an entire generation of superstar ecologists. RTP, as he was known, was an emeritus Professor at the University of Washington, where he developed a career that helped define the field of community ecology. Edited by Edward W. Hanson (Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2005) Shipton, Clifford K. Sibley’s Harvard Graduates. TY - JOUR. Keystone species have effects on communities or ecosystems that are much larger than their abundances would suggest. III: 1774-1777. But along the way he used his gift for conducting experiments in remote field settings to train, inspire, and befriend a Who’s Who of community ecologists: graduate students, undergraduates, postdoctorates, collaborators, and artists. RTP’s gift was to take a simple field experiment on marine invertebrates and turn it into a broad lesson in ecological organization that struck a chord across almost all ecosystems. : Robert Treat Paine, III.. Birth: Dec. 15, 1744, and devout! [ 7 ] After graduating from Harvard University in 1954, he prosecuted the Shays ’ largest... Had 7 children and energetics of opisthobranchs ( marine gastropods ) pollution birds. Prosecuted the Shays ’ s subsequent academic contributions Naturalist and bird watcher, and without them the communities.! ) Shipton, Clifford K. Sibley ’ s subsequent academic contributions England is in the came!, researchers, and died June 6, 1816 R. Silliman, 1 Peter,... T1 - Robert Treat Paine ( March 11, 1814 ) is an Founding... 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