Ingersoll Rand Electric Stationary Air Compressor — 5 HP, 230 Volt, 1-Phase, 60-Gallon Vertical, Model# SS5L5 Reg. Easy online ordering for the ones who get it done along with 24/7 customer service, free technical support & more. Hi Steve, looking at the IR SS5L5 single stage and the Quincy 2V41C60VC two stage. ASME tank 15.8 CFM @ 90 PSI 100% continuous duty all Durable cast iron construction, splash lubrication and precision … Rand model ss4l5 motor wiring 120/230 trips breaker - Answered by a verified Electrician We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Type 30 Reciprocating 60 Gal. Find the Ingersoll Rand ingersollrand_SS5L5 5 HP, 60 Gallon Single Stage Air Compressor (230-1-60 Volt) parts you need at Tool Parts Direct. ). The business owner said the salesperson told him it would require a 60 amp breaker. Hi Steve, looking at the IR SS5L5 single stage and the Quincy 2V41C60VC two stage. All electrical work should be completed by a licensed electrician and in compliance with local, state, and federal code. REAL WORK deserves the best, because the best is what your real life demands. SS5L5 Single Stage Air Compressor-Product Specifications Part Number: SS5L5 Start up kit included Technical Details Durable cast-iron cylinders, heads, and frame are designed for continuous operation and extended pump life Oversized belt wheel provid Ingersoll Rand 60 gal 5hp SS5l5 … Don't just read Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor reviews. About 0% of these are General Industrial Equipment. It appears you're located outside this region. Type 30 Reciprocating 60 Gal. two-stage, electric air compressor with 5 HP is designed for heavy shop or industrial use (requires industrial 3 phase power supply). 5HP is plenty to run a sandblaster, any air tool I've thrown at it, and my HVLP paint gun. You say 5% @ Lowe's- I get 10% off for being a vet on everyday buys. The Ingersoll Rand 60 Gal. offers 801 ss4l5 ingersoll rand products. Mines a 15hp 2 stage. When performance is defined by maximum operating pressure, increased air flow and extended duty cycles, Ingersoll Rand is the product of choice. When it comes to assembly tools, industrial tools, cordless tools and vehicle service tools, don't settle for less. Same CFM specs as the Quincy for a little less $$. ADJUSTMENT CONTROLS: All pressure switches have a range adjustment control.Some pressure switches also have a differential adjustment control. Open as PDF. For more than 30 years, the specialists at Industrial Air Power have been helping companies around the world build and maintain their compressed air systems. © Ingersoll Rand, is a diverse and inclusive environment. PSI and 80 gal. 2340. SS5L5 5hp 60 gal Single-Stage Compressor (230/1) 20103172 Designed for any environment, our 5 HP single stage compressor is ideal for almost anyone, from individuals that thrive on do-it-yourself projects to the professional air compressor user. 2545. SS4L5: 20100251: SS5L5: 20100251 : Standard Two Stage Models: Start-Up Kit # 2340: 32305880: 2475 / TS4N5 (Electric Models) 32305880: 2475F13GH (Honda Gas Drive) 32312936: 2475F14G (Kohler Gas Drive) 46821567: 2545: 32305898: 7100: 32305898 5 HP electric single stage motor is splash lubricated, has continuous duty cycle. WARRANTY & PRODUCT REGISTRATION Ingersoll Rand warrants the equipment for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of placing the equipment in operation or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment, whichever occurs first. Page 1 of 1. In a recent review of the Ingersoll Rand SS5L5, I provided an overview of the brand. Register online and I used my phone number-just tell the clerk when you check out. Ingersoll Rand SS5L5, 5 HP, Single-Stage Comp, 60 Gal, Vertical, 135 PSI, 18.1 CFM, 1-Phase 230V Installs in shops for reliable commercial use. The IR produces more CFM but the Quincy has higher maximum PSI. 2340L5. Ingersoll-rand SS4L5 Pdf User Manuals. RETAIN FOR REFERENCE. View online or download Ingersoll-rand SS5 Owner's Manual Model SS4L5 80448251 Revision C March 2015 62215.10.56. 242. I'm wiring an Ingersoll Rand TS4N5 air Compressor. It appears the site language doesn't match your browser language settings. I am typically all residential, but this shouldn't be a problem. Ingersoll Rand Type 30 7.5-HP 80-Gallon Two-Stage Air Compressor (230V 3-Phase) Fully Packaged 3000. About IAP. Single stage forced use of a desiccant air dryer for sandblasting and paint. SS5L5. 3000. If you connect additional electrical equipment to the same circuit, consider the total electrical load when selecting the proper wire size. More delivered air (CFM) gives you the power to do the job right and in less time. The warranty isn't quite as good, they will give a 2 year on the pump with purchase of their maint kit. Find the Ingersoll Rand ingersollrand_SS5L5 5 HP, 60 Gallon Single Stage Air Compressor (230-1-60 Volt) parts you need at Tool Parts Direct. 7100. Quality older compressors can be found on CL if you have time and patience. Our employees connect to customers for life by delivering proven expertise, productivity and efficiency improvements. Super quiet, long lasting and you can generally find a good setup for 500-750. Performed well, but when the time comes to install one in my new garage, I'll go 2-stage. Save These Instructions Owner’s Manual ES Manual del usuario FR Manuel de l’utilisateur EN Owner’s Manual Single Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor Model SS4L5 80448251 Revision C …, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Refer to the National Electric Code (NEC) for information on selecting proper wire size and securing electrical connections. Model SS4L5 80448251 Revision A August 2012 81412.15.15. Owner's Manual. DISCLAIMER: The following information is a general guideline only. When … Looking for INGERSOLL RAND 1 Phase - Electrical Vertical 5.00HP - Air Compressor Stationary Air Compressor, 80 gal, 15.5 (4VU20)? INGERSOLL-RAND SS4L5 Auction Results. Ingersoll-Rand SS5L5 Air Compressor User Manual. of 12 ingersoll. Visit, ARO is fluid intelligence—the smart choice in fluid handling products for industrial operations. Sears Parts Direct has parts, manuals & part diagrams for all types of … We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with ss4l5 vs ss5l5 on Search Engine Ingersoll Rand SS5L5 Review : Quiet 60 Gallon Compressor The Ingersoll Rand SS5L5 is a powerful 5HP, singles stage air compressor with a 60-gallon air storage tank. Grainger's got your back. Ingersoll rand 60 gal 5hp SS4L5 $699.00. Friend is trying to get a 15HP 4-stage compressor running. It would be nice to have a 2 stage tho and i can get this same unit from Lowes and get 5% off it using my lowes card. Find your INGERSOLL RAND PKG, SS5L5 W/KIT at Grainger Canada, formerly Acklands-Grainger. Trouble is it has a 3-phase motor and the building is only single phase. Thanks for the offer, i may just take you up on it although that unit is a little out of my budget. What is the recommended wire gauge for service power on a small reciprocating compressor (7-15 HP). 234. Open as PDF. Price $1219.00. Also want to run various air tools in my shop. Also want to run various air tools in my shop. All electrical work should be completed by a licensed electrician and in compliance with local, state, and federal code. 5 HP Electric 460-Volt 3 Phase Air Compressor Ingersoll Rand utilizes over 140 years of Ingersoll Rand utilizes over 140 years of experience to bring you the best quality in compressed air. Installation, Operation and Maintenance. I figured I'd go with a better brand and buy a little less compressor … Air Compressor Dryers | Air Compressor Filters, Now Available! California Air Tools LFC Air Compressor. For products and services specific to your area, please choose your country or region below. Since 1924, Ingersoll Rand has been building extremely durable and reliable hoists, winches and ergonomic systems. Installation, Operation and Maintenance. We are an equal opportunity employer and are dedicated to hiring qualified protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. About IAP. Club Car®, one of the most respected names in the golf industry, is the world’s largest manufacturer of small-wheel, zero-emissions electric vehicles. Ingersoll Rand SS5L5 single stage reciprocating air compressors are an ideal choice for applications that demand a reliable air supply but where running an air compressor ranks a distant second to running your business. We provide innovative and mission-critical industrial, energy, medical and specialty vehicle products and services across 40+ respected brands designed to excel in even the most complex and harsh conditions where downtime is especially costly. The electrical wiring between the power supply and electric motor varies according to motor horsepower and other factors. 15T-H15T. Instructions for Models SS3 and SS5. Built tough to work in the harshest environments, count on Ingersoll Rand for lifting products that are Beyond Tough. Our advanced engineering and manufacturing have a standard of excellence often copied, but never matched. You Visit, Ingersoll Rand® provides products, services and solutions that enhance our customers' energy efficiency, productivity and operations. We have been Canada's premiere industrial supplier for over 125 years with superior service and quality. Ingersoll Rand (NYSE:IR), driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and ownership mindset, is committed to helping make life better. It was a compromise between money, space, and quality. Select your desired site language below. 242. Ingersoll Rand SS5L5 single stage reciprocating air compressors are an ideal choice for applications that demand a reliable air supply but where running an air compressor ranks a distant second to running your business. CUT-IN & CUT-OUT: The cut-out (compressor shut-down) is the pressure at which the switch contacts open, and the cut-in (compressor restart) is the pressure at which the switch contacts close.. Air Compressor Ingersoll-Rand SS5L5 Owner's Manual And Parts List (24 pages) Air Compressor Ingersoll-Rand SSR UP6 40 Operation And Maintenance Manual. Hand Tools & Shop Equipment. If you would like some insight into the company and its history, you may want to give it a read. SS5. 60hz air compressor (208 pages) Air Compressor Ingersoll-Rand SSR-2000 Operating Instructions Manual ... Summary of Contents for Ingersoll-Rand SS4L5. The durable cast iron cylinder and frame ensure long … What are the pros and cons for single vs … 2340L5. The California Air Tools 6010 is the upgraded version of the very popular CAT-6310. View online or download Ingersoll-rand SS5L5 Owner's Manual INGERSOLL-RAND SS4L5 OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download. ingersoll-rand-ss5l5-owners-manual 1/6 Downloaded from on November 11, 2020 by guest [eBooks] Ingersoll Rand Ss5l5 Owners Manual If you ally dependence such a referred ingersoll rand ss5l5 owners manual book that will allow you worth, get the utterly best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. DO NOT UNDERSIZE THE WIRE. Hi Steve, looking at the IR SS5L5 single stage and the Quincy 2V41C60VC two stage. Designed for the professional, IR SS5L5 single stage compressors are ideal for almost anyone, from individuals that thrive on do-it-yourself projects to the professional air compressor user. Super quiet, long lasting and you can generally find a good setup for 500-750. Looking for INGERSOLL RAND 1 Phase - Electrical Vertical Tank Mounted 5.0 hpHP - Air Compressor Stationary Air Compressor, 60 g (4YW10)? SS5. Expanding with Ratchets, Wrenches, Long –Nose Pliers, Lights and more. Ingersoll Rand is amplifying our REAL TOOLS line to encompass Official Licensed products that will maintain the same level of excellence that you have relied on for more than 100 years. Find out which Ingersoll Rand models made the grade before checking out. Designed for the professional, IR SS5L5 single stage compressors are ideal for almost anyone, from individuals that thrive on do-it-yourself projects to the professional air compressor user. Wanting to run a plasma cutter and a sand blaster and not sure which would be better. Download the manual for model Ingersoll Rand SS5L5 air compressor. The IR produces more CFM but the Quincy has higher maximum PSI. $1,079.99 Sale $ 1049 . Maximum air power for commercial or contractor use! 5 HP Electric 460-Volt 3 Phase Air Compressor Ingersoll Rand utilizes over 140 years of Ingersoll Rand utilizes over 140 years of experience to bring you the best quality in compressed air. What are the pros and cons for single vs two stage? Instructions for Models SS3 and SS5. Click the links below to open parts manuals in pdf format: SS3. This may or may not be useful as I know you're looking at the smaller one, but I have the next size up Quincy and I love it-flawless. Wanting to run a plasma cutter and a sand blaster and not sure which would be better. The electrical … Price $1539.30. On switches without a differential adjustment … The durable cast iron cylinder and frame ensure long service life. 15T-H15T. 234. Maximum air power for commercial or contractor use! WARRANTY & PRODUCT REGISTRATION Ingersoll Rand warrants the equipment for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of placing the … 2340. DISCLAIMER: The following information is a general guideline only. For longer distances, consult an electrical contractor or the local electric company for recommendations. IMPORTANT INFORMATION! 2000. Wanting to run a plasma cutter and a sand blaster and not sure which would be better. Scour cl, old 2 stage compressors that are solid cast iron with the 1725 rpm motors are what you really want. Count on genuine Ingersoll Rand tools, accessories, and equipment. More delivered air (CFM) gives you the power to do the job right and in less time. 2475. What are the pros and cons for single vs … Ingersoll rand SS4L5 single stage Electric Driven Reciprocating Air Compressor 5ph Vertical tank, US $ 990 - 1990 / Set, New, Reciprocating, Stationary.Source from Shanghai Crownwell Import & Export Co., Ltd. on We stand behind our products and services and beside our customers during planning, installation, and maintenance. Ingersoll rand SS3L3 SS4L5 SS5L5 single stage Electric Driven Reciprocating Air Compressor 3-5ph Vertical tank, US $ 990 - 1990 / Set, New, Reciprocating, Stationary.Source from Shanghai Crownwell Import & Export Co., Ltd. on Easy online … Sort by manufacturer, model, year, price, location, sale date, and more. Wire sizes shown in American Wire Gauge (AWG) and British Imperial Standard Wire Gauge (SWG). View online or download Ingersoll-rand SS4L5 Owner's Manual Designed for the professional, our 3 HP and 5 HP single stage compressors are ideal for almost anyone, from individuals that thrive on do-it … Durable cast iron construction, splash lubrication and precision-engineered quality components. SS5L5 Single Stage Air Compressor-Product Specifications Part Number: SS5L5 Start up kit included Technical Details Durable cast-iron cylinders, heads By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described … The improvements made to the new model certainly puts it in line to achieve the same accolades in 2019. 7100. Features 100% continuous duty Belt guard shields flywheel and motor sheave Manual thermal overload protection of the motor Open feet design for ease of drain Easy to change filter for clean intake … Ingersoll Rand air compressors are made with superior components and backed by our worldwide parts and service organization, providing the support you need to keep your business running. Shop thousands of Ingersoll Rand 5 HP, 60 Gallon Single Stage Air Compressor (230-1-60 Volt) replacement parts online. The plate says 230V and 21.5 FLA. Why would I need a 60 amp breaker? READ AND FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. The SS5L5 … Also want to run various air tools in my shop. Ss3l3 Ss4l5 Ss5l5 Ingersoll Rand Single Stage Electric Driven Reciprocating Air Compressor 3-5 HP picture from Shanghai Crownwell Import & Export Co., Ltd. view photo of Ingersoll Rand Single Stage Electric, Driven Reciprocating Air Compressor 3-5 HP, Ingersoll Rand Ss3l3 Ss4l5 Ss5l5.Contact China Suppliers for More Products and Price. All that needs to be pointed out here, in the context of the Ingersoll Rand TS4N5, is the difference between their commercial grade and light-duty air compressors. I picked up this 1953 DeVilbiss a few years ago for $200 and it has been great. Motor Voltage 230 Volt AC The 6310 was rated best portable air compressor by many of the top consumer publications. If wire size information is not available, the wire sizes shown in the following wire selection chart can be used as a safe guide, if the distance does not exceed 50 feet (15.3m). Ingersoll Rand SS5L5, 5 HP, Single-Stage Comp, 60 Gal, Vertical, 135 PSI, 18.1 CFM, 1-Phase 230V Installs in shops for reliable commercial use. two-stage, electric air compressor with 5 HP is designed for heavy shop or industrial use (requires industrial 3 phase power supply). Big difference is the 100% duty cycle. Scour cl, old 2 stage compressors that are solid cast iron with the 1725 rpm motors are what you really want. And British Imperial standard wire Gauge for service power ss4l5 vs ss5l5 a small Reciprocating Compressor 208. Quality older compressors can be found on CL if you connect additional electrical equipment to the electric... To do the job right and in compliance with local, state, and federal code 46151 Compressor... 230-1-60 Volt ) replacement parts online local electric company for recommendations voltage during... Amp breaker 's Manual Pdf download –Nose Pliers, Lights and more your! 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